data analysis social media

Social Media Data Mining: A Social Network Analysis Of Tweets During The 2010-2011 Australian Floods.
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ABSTRACT Using tweets extracted from Twitter during the Australian 2010-2011 floods, social network analysis techniques were used to generate and analyse the online networks that emerged at that time. The aim was to develop an understanding of the online communities 

Field Research for Humanities with Social Media: Crowdsourcing and Algorithmic Data Analysis
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ABSTRACT Humanities rely on both field research data and databases but rarely have the means necessary for employing them. Crowd sourcing on the Web using social media specifically designed for the purpose offers a promising alternative. This article reports 

The Spatial Analysis of Short-term Population Movements with Social Media Data
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In recent years, significant traction has been gained through the notion of big data. For example, according to Bell, Hey and Szalay (2009) research in the natural sciences is now entering a 'fourth paradigm'in which empirical investigations are underpinned by prolific 

Scaling Archived Social Media Data Analysis using a Hadoop Cloud
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ABSTRACT Over recent years, there has been an emerging interest in supporting social media analysis for marketing, opinion analysis and understanding community cohesion. Social media data conforms to many of the categorisations attributed to big-data–ie 

Big Data Analysis of News and Social Media Content
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ABSTRACT The analysis of media content has been central in social sciences, due to the key role that media plays in shaping public opinion. This kind of analysis typically relies on the preliminary coding of the text being examined, a step that involves reading and annotating 

A CyberGIS Environment for Near-Real-Time Spatial Analysis of Social Media Data
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Social media, such as social networks (eg Facebook), blogs and micro blogs (eg Twitter), and photo/audio/video sharing services (eg, Youtube and Flickr), can be understood as a group of Internet-based applications that are built on the ideological and technological foundation 

Using Social Media Content in the Visual Analysis of Movement Data
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ABSTRACT Data about the movement of people and objects is a rich source for visual analysis. However, understanding the data and inferring user behavior from it is often difficult due to missing context information. The goal of our research is to augment 

Fast and Scalable Online CCA for Real time Impact Analysis of Social Media Data
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ABSTRACT The dynamics of temporal dependencies in time series of web graphs can be used to study the influence of single web sources on other web sources. Previous approaches to analysis of temporal dynamics in web graph data were either based on simple and 

social support and depression

Social networks and health
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disease: Objective Effects of Treating Depression and Low Perceived Social Support on Clinical Events After Myocardial Infarction: ENRICHD Randomized Trial.depression and low social support early after an acute myocardial infarction will reduce death

The effect of dyadic intervention on self-efficacy, social support, and depression for men with prostate cancer
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SUMMARY Urinary and sexual dysfunctions are side effects of radical prostatectomy (RP) for prostate cancer (PC) that contribute to depression. Despite the effectiveness of support groups at reducing depression in cancer patients, men typically do not participate in them.

Measures of perceived social support from friends and from family: Three validation studies
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depression. There is a general pattern in correlational studies to report an inverse relationship between social support and depression and to interpret these findings as indicating that low support is a causal factor in depression. The

Getting the right kind of support: Functional differences in the types of social support ondepression for Chinese adolescents
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RESULTS Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was employed to examine between- participant effects of gender and grade on network support, socioemotional and instrumental enacted support, and perceived support, as well as Time 1 and Time 2 depression.

International graduate students, stress, and social support
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and Social Support Variables for Male and Female International Students Negative Negative Lite Physical Lite Physical Social Support Factors Events Depression Anxiety Health Events Depression Anniety Health Graduate Program Support Me (n ' 79) women (" ' 26) __ Gl

Depression, perceived stress, and social support among first-time Chinese mothers and fathers in the postpartum period
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Abstract: We compared the prevalence of depression in the postpartum period and its relationship with perceived stress and social support in first time mothers and fathers. A cross- sectional study was conducted in mainland China with a convenience sample of 130 pairs

Social support as a moderator between dating violence victimization and depression/anxiety among African American and Caucasian adolescents
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Abstract. Victimization in dating relationships was examined among 681 African American and Caucasian adolescents. Specificaliy. perceived social support was evaluated as a moderator between (a) physical dating violence victimization and anxiety/depression and RESULTS As a preliminary analysis the interrelationships between locus of control (dummy variable coded as 0 and 1), negative life events, social support, anxiety, and depression were assessed. Locus of control was found

Social support, negative life events and mental health.
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events, social support and Rotter. This means that good social support reduces the risk of developing depression under exposure to negative life events (a buffering effect), but that this effect is only present among the externals.

The role of social support on depression and adjustment levels of adolescents having broken and unbroken families
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Abstract In this research, depression and adjustment levels of adolescents between ages 15- 18 in secondary education and having both broken and unbroken families were analyzed in respect of social support and family constitution. The role of family constitution and social

Issues in the study and application of social support
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1 The Study and Application of Social Support 13 in predicting depression in older persons Seeman (1984) similarly found that greater instrumental support from family and friends, but not emotional support, was associated with less coronary artery disease Such re- sults

Social networks and social support
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In order to participate in the study, patients must have had a recent myocardial infarction (heart attack) and screened positive for depression or low social support. The intervention was based on the principles of cog- nitive behavioral therapy.

Social support, stress and the buffering hypothesis: A theoretical analysis
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Presumably support systems could elevate one's level of self-esteem by either the praise ofothers (status is the important dimension here) or through positive social comparison withthat minimum level Since negative moods are often associated with depression (cf Seligman Although we have no con- clusive answers, Turner (1981) looked at perceptions of support and levels of depression, anger, and anxiety in four different populations using factor analysis. He found that perceived social support and the measures of psychological well-being had

A prospective study of life events, social support, and psychological symptomatology during the transition from high school to college
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interfere with the skills necessary to generate a new, satisfying sense of sup- port in the college environment, as reflected in the marginally significant rela- tionship of Time 2 symptoms with Time 3 satisfaction with social support. For example, symptoms of depression have been In the present study, only the measures of somatic symptoms and overall symptomatology showed a significant relationship to the interaction of stress and social support. It is unclear why anxiety and depression failed to yield the predicted results. The material relevant to this paper includes two measures of social support, the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, 1967), and a diagnosis based on the SADS-C interview (EndicottSpitzer, 1978) and the Research Diagnostic Criteria (Spitzer, Endicott,Robins, 1978).

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clinical problems, including: – Anxiety disorders and insomnia – Depression – Eating disorders – Chronic pain Butler, Chapman, FormanBeck, 2006Relaxation interpersonal stressors Obtaining instrumental social supportMindfulnessObtaining emotional support

The provisions of social relationships and adaptation to stress
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In each analysis, pregnancy depression and current childcare stress scores were entered before the social support measure, thereby testing the contribution of social support to post partum depression after removing the variance due to initial depression and level of stress.