wireless network research papers 2013
Path Loss Estimation for a Wireless Sensor Network for Application in Ship
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ABSTRACT Path loss models are used to estimate the path loss between transmitter and receiver for outdoor and indoor applications. In this paper, path loss models for indoor propagation are investigated for multiwall configuration. Here, path loss and signal
A novel data utilization and control strategy for wireless structural control systems with TDMAnetwork
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ABSTRACT Wireless control systems have advantages of flexible installation, rapid deployment, low maintenance cost and low power consumption compared to wired control system. The attractive features of wireless system as well as the rapid development of
Community wireless network development in
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ABSTRACT The present paper illustrates the process of fully deploying a wireless network for the local community at Ciudad Bolvar (Bolivar wireless), an outer-city area with the highest poverty levels in Bogot (Colombia). This paper shows implementation
Distributed Bounding of Feasible Sets in Cooperative Wireless Network Positioning
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ABSTRACT Locations of target nodes in cooperative wireless sensor networks can be confined to a number of feasible sets in certain situations, eg, when the estimated distances between sensors are larger than the actual distances. Quantifying feasible sets is often
A Solar-powered, TDMA Distributed Wireless Network for Trace-gas Monitoring
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ABSTRACT We built and deployed a solar powered CO2 monitoring TDMA network with three sensor nodes placed in different geographic locations. The three node network monitors CO2 in a grassy/woody courtyard, on an engineering building rooftop, and next
Prediction of Effective Mobile Wireless Network Data Profiling Using Data Mining Approaches
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ABSTRACT Mobile network analysis has a huge potential that provide insight into the relational dynamics of individuals. Machine learning and data mining techniques provide the behavior patterns of the mobile network data. The data transfer during all the days has produced
Perceptually Driven 3D Progressive Model Selective Transmission over Wireless Network
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ABSTRACT Realtime streaming 3D model over wireless network is a challenging proposition due to the characteristic of 3D progressive geometry data and wireless network. In this paper, we propose a perceptual-driven 3D progressive model selective transmission
A Survey on Video Coding in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Environment using Compressed Sensing Technique
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ABSTRACT This article presents the design of a networked system for compression, rate control and error correction of video in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Environment on the theory of compressed sensing. The objective of this work is to study a cross-layer
Study of Wireless Mesh Network over Medium Access Control Layer
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ABSTRACT Ad hoc networks can be established every time and everywhere, and they are usually comprised of a group of workstations or other wireless devices that communicate directly with each other to exchange information. Usually there is no central management
Evaluation and Analysis of Asymmetric Networks over Medium Access Control Layer inWireless Mesh Network
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ABSTRACT Ad hoc networks can be established every time and everywhere, and they are usually comprised of a group of workstations or other wireless devices that communicate directly with each other to exchange information. Usually there is no central management
Congestion Control in Wireless Network for Heterogeneous Resources using Fuzzy Logic
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ABSTRACT In wireless networks, due to huge amount of packets convergent nature of upstream traffic and limited wireless bandwidth, network congestion happens easy, which is a serious problem to be solved. The congestion control scheme is necessary to be solved
WIPAD: An Automatic Monitoring System with Wireless Network based on Image Processing for Harvest Disease
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ABSTRACT In this system, an intelligent monitoring system for crop is implemented, it comprises various function modules, the kernel one is the automatic identification module of the plant diseases and pests. The feature preprocessing is first carried out to generate the
A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm For Routing In Wireless Multihop Network
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ABSTRACT Major swarm intelligence research focused on reverse engineering and collective behavior's adaptation observed in natural systems aimed at effective algorithm design for distributed optimization. Such algorithms inspired by natural systems reveal desirable
A Systematic Approach for Congestion Control in Wireless Ad hoc Network using Opnet.
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ABSTRACT Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a reliable, end-to-end transport protocol, which is most widely used for data services and is very efficient for wired networks. However, experiments and research showed that TCP's congestion control algorithm
Wireless Sensor Network deployment for monitoring soil moisture dynamics at the field scale
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ABSTRACT We describe the deployment of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), composed of 135 soil moisture and 27 temperature sensors, in an apple tree orchard of about 5000 m2, located in the municipality of Cles, a small town in the Alpine region, northeastern Italy.
Network Model Diversity for Wireless Studies
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ABSTRACT Wireless network is one of interesting research domain. Many studies have been conducted related to security and network performance issue. There are two methods to represent a conducting study either based on test bed or simulation in order to access
A Digital Certificate-based Lightweight Authenticated Protocol with Key Agreement forWireless Network?
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ABSTRACT The security issue of wireless network poses as the main obstacle for its large-scale application, and considering wireless network's special requirement for communication frequency and computation overhead of the security protocols, this paper, based on the
An Access Network Selection Mechanism for Heterogeneous Wireless Environments
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ABSTRACT In the future wireless network environment, the co-existence of multiple access networks based on different technologies is a fundamental characteristic. Along with the development of multiple wireless technologies, user terminals will be able to access
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ABSTRACT Aiming at the same frequency interference, in the channel increased frequency recognition function before the consultation and put forward based on the frequency of perception multiple channel CC-MMAC agreement, simulation verification protocol can
A Secure Network for Mobile Wireless Service
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ABSTRACT A new secure network communication technique that has been designed for mobile wireless services, is presented in this paper. Its network services are mobile, distributed, seamless, and secure. We focus on the security of the scheme and achieve
Survey on Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of ten to thousand small nodes with sensing, computing and wireless communication capabilities. WSN are generally used to monitor activities and report events, such as fire, overheating
Local Stability in Wireless Network?
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ABSTRACT Evolutionary game theory is used to analyze the conflict behavior and cooperate behavior of the animals and plants. Replicator dynamic and evolutionary stable strategy are a couple of core concepts of evolutionary game theory, they indicate the stable state of
Swarm Optimized Multicasting For Wireless Network
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ABSTRACT Multicast routing in wireless networking is the latest technology for network groups. Multicast routing is part of point-to-point/multipoint-to-multipoint communications. Multicast routing ensures efficient, reliable and secure for wireless networks than unicast routing
Design on the Sink Node for Wireless Network
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ABSTRACT With the rapid development of communication technology, embedded technology, sensor technology, and the constantly emerging of micro-sensor nodes performing perception, computation, communications. Design of sink node is reliable in monitoring
Energy Consumption of Mobile Agents in a Wireless Ad-hoc Network Environment
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ABSTRACT In this paper we consider the energy consumption of mobile agents operating in wireless local area network (WLAN) environment. We present an energy model of an ad-hoc WLAN based upon the IEEE 802.11 standard and analyse both per-device and WLAN-
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ABSTRACT typical wireless sensor networks consist of sinks, events, and a large number of tiny, multifunctional and batterypowered sensor nodes. Thousands of the sensor nodes are randomly distributed over a vast field to self-organize a largescale wireless sensor
Secure Multipath routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: a survey Analysis
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) connects the distributed autonomous sensors for collecting the data from sensors or distribute the data into sensors. The WSN uses in military applications, machine and environmental health monitoring, home monitoring, Air
A Modified ABC AlgorithmIts Application to Wireless Sensor Network Dynamic Deployment
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks plays a gargantuan role in instrumenting the modern day world; hence it is crucial to develop an optimal design flow. Out of the various Swarm intelligent algorithms developed so far, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm offers a vivid
A token scheduled high throughput multi-channel data collection protocol for wireless sensornetwork
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ABSTRACT We present a high throughput data gathering pro-tocol for wireless sensor network. Different from existing works we elaborate a token-scheduled multi-channel TDMA protocol named TKN-TWN that provides better scalability and topology adaptability. TDMA
SimulationPerformance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is consisting of independent sensors, communicating with each other to monitor the environment. Sensor nodes are usually attached to microcontroller and are powered by battery. The resource constrained nature
Clustering and routing wireless sensor network based on the parameters of distance, density, energy and traffic With the help of fuzzy logic
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ABSTRACT Totally the wireless sensor networks consist of many multi task sensors of low ability and small size which communicated at short distance [3]. Todays this networks are proper device for attain information, extracting data assessing environmental events and their
Wideband microstrip-line-fed hexagonal slot antenna for WiMAX and wireless local areanetwork applications
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ABSTRACT A wideband microstrip-line-fed hexagonal wide-slot antenna is proposed and experimentally investigated. The hexagonal slot excited by a simple 50 O microstrip line with a rotation angle of 0 having 470 MHz bandwidth is considered as a reference antenna.
Precise Localization of Mobile Robots via Odometry and Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Precise localization of mobile robots in uncertain environments is a fundamental and crucial issue in robotics. In this paper, to deal with the unbounded accumulated errors of dead reckoning (DR)-based localization, wireless sensor network (WSN)-based
Wireless Sensor Network Security
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Wireless sensor networks consist of a large number of low-cost, lowpower, and multi- functional sensor nodes that communicate over short distances through wireless links. Such sensor networks are ideal candidates for a wide range of applications such as monitoring
Mrakov Chain Monte Carlo Based Internal Attack Evaluation for Wireless Sensor Network
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Summary Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consists of low-cost and multifunctional resources constrain nodes that communicate at short distances through wireless links. It is open media and underpinned by an application driven technology for information
Efficient Data Reduction Techniques for Remote Applications of a Wireless Visual SensorNetwork
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ABSTRACT A Wireless Visual Sensor Network (WVSN) is formed by deploying many Visual Sensor Nodes (VSNs) in the field. After acquiring an image of the area of interest, the VSN performs local processing on it and transmits the result using an embedded wireless
Combining Kalman Filtering with ZigBee Protocol to Improve Localization in Wireless SensorNetwork
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We propose a low-cost and low-power-consumption localization scheme for ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Our design is based on the link quality indicator (LQI)-a standard feature of the ZigBee protocol-for ranging and the ratiometric vector iteration (
QoS Analysis of Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Routing Protocols
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ABSTRACT Wireless ad hoc networks are decentralized communication networks. That is they do not require deployment of distribution bases such as routers and the nodes can establish communication links dynamically among themselves. Self-organized and self-restoring
Distance Based Fault detection in wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) have become a new information collection and monitoring solution for a variety of application. In WSN, sensor nodes have strong hardware and software restriction in terms of processing power, memory capability, power supply
A Frequency Hopping Game Model Based on Situation Awareness for Wireless SensorNetwork
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are in an open environment which is complex and volatile, and often subject to inadvertent or intentional interference. Sensor networks can use frequency hopping technology to get away from the interference. How accurate
Optimised layered approach on congestion control with efficient energy and QOS improvement for wireless network
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ABSTRACT Internet is widely used in the fast growing world and there are many limitations in the network. There are two main failures that occur in the network they are wireless packet loss and congestion. The performance of SCTP in wireless network is considered as the
The Method of Low Power Consumption for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT This paper proposed the method of low power consumption for WSN system. When the RF communication is done each tag node during the WSN systems operating, power consumption is greatest. Therefore, we configure the network with the RF communication
A Compression Method Using Data Coding and Enhancing the Performance of WirelessMultimedia Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In recent years, different networks for information transmission have been emerged. Multimedia information like video take much storage volume. This high storage volume needs high bandwidth, high electrical and computational power to process and
MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Wireless Metropolitan Area Network Optimum Performance
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ABSTRACT Wireless network optimal performance is what communication engineers strive for. Empirical models are used to predict wireless link quality factors such as path loss and the received power in any given transmission environment with irregular terrain. This
Wireless Mesh Network Application
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ABSTRACT Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) are presented as a low cost cooperative solution for wireless connectivity, having numerous applications in areas as businesses, homes, disaster, emergency or transport. Since the connectivity is provided as an overlay network,
A Novel Key Management Scheme Supporting Network Dynamic Update in Wireless SensorNetwork
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ABSTRACT With the development of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology, it has been adopted in a wide variety of applications such as the health care system and so on. Yet, there are still some problems need to be addressed, one of which is the security issue. A
Image Transmission Transmission Transmission Scheme with Data with Data Authentication in Authentication in Wireless Sensor Network Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are gaining research interest due to the availability of low-cost cameras and CMOS image sensors, also due to their broad application opportunities. The energy and resource constrained environment of WMSNs
Energy Efficient Fast Forwarding in Event Driven Wireless Sensor Network (EWSN) using Route Discovery
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ABSTRACT In wireless Sensor Network Efficient event detecting protocol (EEDP) is used for event monitoring. In the event occuring area each node broadcasts its primary detection result to make a final decision. The final decision-made by a node will choose the next
Optimized Transmission Transmission Transmission for an Energy Efficient WirelessImage Sensor Network Image Sensor Network Image Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Compared with traditional WSNs, image and multimedia data in wireless image sensor networks require sophisticated processing transmission techniques to meet the limited energy budget. Further image data require time efficiency and minimal jitter for
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ABSTRACT The wireless mesh network (WMN) has been an emerging technology in recent years. Because the transmission medium used in networking backhaul access points (APs) is radio, the wireless mesh network is not only easy and cost effective in deployment, but
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network contain hundreds of sensor nodes. These sensor nodes uses radio signal using communication. A wireless sensor node is well found with radio transceiver, sensor device and power component. A wireless sensor network is made up
Gait cycle recognition based on wireless inertial sensor network
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a method of recognizing gait cycle based on Wireless Inertial Sensor network. The wireless inertial sensor network is embedded in shoes with accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure inertial signal during walking. In gait analysis,
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ABSTRACT The lifetime of sensor nodes and the energy of sensor is the major concern for building any algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Sensor Algorithms works for both unicasting and multicasting. In this paper a new algorithm is proposed which
Weighted Averaging Method for Inner-Ship Fault Detection Using Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT In this paper, a wireless sensor network based inner-ship fault detection method is proposed to monitor real-time data for a vessel and to ensure the accessibility of the user with Android application. The proposed fault detection method is carried out based on the
Modified Pairwise Key Pre-distribution Scheme with Deployment Knowledge in WirelessSensor Network
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ABSTRACT To achieve security in wireless sensor networks it is important to be able to encrypt the messages sent among the sensor nodes. Keys for encryption and authentication purpose must be agreed upon by communicating nodes. Due to the resource constraint (
Wireless Sensor Network Security 2012
Security Aspects for Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) made of hundreds and even thousands of very small sensor nodes, working unconventionally and mostly without access to renewable energy resources. Price limitations and the requirement for ubiquitous (pervasive) and
Rule Based Technique detecting Security attack for Wireless Sensor network using fuzzy logic
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ABSTRACT This paper represents the rule based technique which helps to detect the security attack in the Wireless Sensor network. There are many type of security attack which effects on the wireless sensor network. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the wireless sensor
Study of a new link layer security scheme in a wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT Security of wireless sensor network (WSN) is always considered a critical issue and has a number of considerations that separate them from traditional wireless sensor network. First, sensor devices are typically vulnerable to physical compromise. Second,
Sensor Data Encryption Protocol for Wireless Network Security
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Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, RajasthanABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Network consisting of a large number of sensor nodes that connected through wireless media has emerged as a ground breaking technology that offers unprecedented ability to monitor the
Lightweight security architecture design for wireless sensor network
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Most previous security proposal did not consider key management or their authentication efficiency was very low. Lightweight security architecture and lightweight security algorithm were proposed for wireless sensor network, The problem of network encounters malicious
Survey on security issues and data gathering protocols in wireless sensor network
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ABSTRACT In today's world Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has become an emerging technology and day by day it is attracting the attention of researchers with its challenges and wide applications. Security is a major concern for successful WSN. Awareness with the
Enhanced security technique for wireless sensor network nodes
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The lightweight computational nodes being used in WSN pose particular challenge for many security applications. This paper investigates a number of security techniques and novel implementations appropriate for WSN nodes, including various trade-offs such as
Encryption and Key Management Approach With in-Network Processing in Wireless Sensor Network and Security Analysis
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ABSTRACT End to end encryption for wireless sensor networks is a challenging problem. To save the overall energy resources of the network it is agreed that sensed data need to be consolidated and aggregated on their way to the final destination. For such circumstances,
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ABSTRACT In the new era of this century, data is sent and receive in electronic form ie E- mail. So the risk of data hack and loss is increased. So for the security of data is the main requirement of any organization. This paper propose an idea of using wireless sensor
A Security Adaptation Reference Monitor for Wireless Sensor Network
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Security in Wireless Sensor Network has become a hot research topic due to their wide deployment and the increasing new runtime attacks they are facing. We observe that traditional security protocols address conventional security problems and cannot deal with
Analysis of security and threat of underwater wireless sensor network topology
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ABSTRACT Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) are a subclass of wireless sensor networks. Underwater sensor deployment is a significant challenge due to the characteristics of UWSNs and underwater environment. Recent researches for UWSNs
Security localization based on DV-Hop in wireless sensor network
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Concerning the problem that the impact of illegal nodes(including the node unable to locate) on the localization process in DV-Hop localization algorithm has not been taken into consideration, this paper proposed a secure localization mechanism based on DV-Hop. In
Enhancing Surveillance and Security of Oil Pipelines Transportation Using Wireless Sensor Network
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ABSTRACT Surveillance and safety is immensely important in general, while explicitly in case of critical applications, such as oil carrying pipelines from wells to refinery and then to the sea ports for further transportation. Surveillance and safety systems with different
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN): Routing Security, Reliability and Energy Efficiency
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) differ from conventional network in deployment, application and working mechanism. Sensor networks are always resource constraint and small in size, computation and memory storage. In WSN, sensor nodes are normally
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ABSTRACT Sensor nodes, when deployed to form Wireless sensor network operating under control of central authority ie Base station are capable of exhibiting interesting applications due to their ability to be deployed ubiquitously in hostilepervasive
A Hybrid Security Approach for Nodes Authentication in Wireless Sensor Network using Cellular Automata
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ABSTRACT We propose in this paper a computationally efficient security scheme for identifying network members in wireless sensor networks. The authentication process is done by first identifying the base station as being the authentic one with the use of
Wireless Sensor Network in Niger Delta Oil and Gas Field Monitoring: The SecurityChallenges and Countermeasures
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ABSTRACT The IEEE 802.15. 4 specification has enabled low-power, low-cost and smart wireless sensor networks (WSNs) capable of robust and reliable multi-hop communications.
wsn security
Security solution for WSN using mobile agent technology
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Abstract Wireless sensor network (WSN) have diverse field of application, but it is very much prone to the security threats. The different types of security attack which limits its application in various unsecure environments are sink Hole Attack, Syble attack,
An analysis of wsn security managemant
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ZigBee is one of the technologies competing to become the dominating standard for general- purpose wireless sensor networks. These networks are intended to provide omnipresent computing with minimal maintenance and low cost. They are self-organized and use ad-
On the (in) security of some smart-card-based password authentication schemes for WSN.
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Abstract. In this study, we investigate a temporal-credential-based password authentication scheme introduced by Xue et al. in 2012. This protocol only involves hash and XOR operations and thus is suitable for the resource-constrained WSN environments where an
Security and packets delivery trade-off for WSN
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Abstract:The optimization of resources to be used for securing transmissions in wireless sensor networks while retaining communication quality of service is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose an energy-aware mechanism to determine the most efficient set of
Overview of Security Threats in WSN
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Abstract:Wireless sensor network is a combination of tiny devices called as sensor nodes which have computing, sensing and processing capabilities. As WSN are deployed in hostile environment usually and can be physically accessible by an adversary; he/she can
Enhancing Data Security in WSN using Symmetric Key Algorithm
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Abstract: Data aggregation is implemented in wireless sensor networks to reduce data redundancy and to summarize relevant and necessary information without requiring all pieces of the data and to reduce large amount of data transmission. Homomorphic public
Security Threats and Challenges for RFID and WSN Integration
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Abstract Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are the combined technologies that will spread in the near future to enter all of our everyday activities. However, the security of these technologies is very much vulnerable. Adding
On formal and automatic security verification of wsn transport protocols
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We address the problem of formal and automated security verification of transport protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSN) that may perform cryptographic operations. The verification of this class of protocols is difficult because they typically consist of complex
On formal and automatic security verification of WSN transport protocols.
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Abstract In this paper, we address the problem of formal and automated security verification of transport protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSN) that may perform cryptographic operations. The verification of this class of protocols is difficult because they typically
WSN Security: Wormhole Attack
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The term computer security wish is frequently used means saving each of hardware, user and system programs and data from any possible attack. The risk of attacks increases when connecting computer to network, especially the Internet. The major technical areas of
A Comprehensive Survey on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Security
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Abstract: In this article, the authors have performed a comprehensive survey on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Security. The emergence of sensor networks as one of the dominant technology trends in the coming decades has posed numerous unique challenges to
Energy Proficient and Security Protocol for WSN: A Review
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Wireless sensor network is fast emerging technology in which lots work is going to be done. This is used for various real time applications such as military, scientific, weapons sensor,
Security Considerations in WSN-Based Smart Grids
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Abstract:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which are composed of battery powered devices, are attracting a tremendous attention owing to their wide range of applications. Recently, their use in the smart grid to respond to several communication needs was
Improving WSN Routing and Security with an Artificial Intelligence approach
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Abstract. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) refers to a group of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment, and organizing the collected data at a central location. Research in WSNs is gaining
Hybrid Double Layered Security against Data Corruption and Node Compromise Attacks inWSN
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Abstract--Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of sensors that are of heterogeneous in nature. Data sensed from the environment are traversed through the network till it reaches the sink. The main focused problem of Wireless Sensor Network is
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ABSTRACT: Wireless sensor networks monitor dynamic environments that change rapidly over time. This dynamic behavior is either caused by external factors or initiated by the system designers themselves. To adapt to such conditions, sensor networks often adopt
Maximum Degree of Centrality for Cluster Head Selection and Data Security in WSN
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Abstract:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) present a new generation of real-time embedded systems for a wide variety of applications. However WSNs have limited computation, energy, and memory resources. One of the approaches to minimize the
Security Aspects in WSN: Survey and Analysis
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Abstract: In the field of networks wireless sensor network consists of small, large number of sensing nodes which is having the sensing, computational and transmission power. But due to insecure nature of wireless communication, these networks are vulnerable to internal
Intrusion Detection Based Security Solution for Cluster Based WSN
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network (WSN) can provide low cost solution to variety of real- world problems. Sensors are low cost tiny devices with limited storage, computational capability and power. they can be deployed in large scale for performing both military and
Grouping Applications for Appropriate Security Provision in WSN
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Abstract:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are gaining popularity due to their increasing use in different fields ranging from battlefield monitoring to healthcare services. WSNs are facing serious security challenges primarily due to insecure medium and unattended
FHGM: A Frequency Hopping Game Model with Communication Security Awareness forWSN
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Abstract Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are in an open wireless environment which is complex and volatile, and often subject to inadvertent or intentional interference, sensor networks can use frequency hopping technology to get away from the interference.
To Enhance the Security in Terms of Malicious node attacks by using Alarm Protocol in WSN
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Abstract The wireless sensor network is the self configuring type of network. In these kinds of networks mobile nodes can leave or join the network when they want. In such type of networks many active and passive attacks are possible. To prevent from these active and
Implementation of WSN System ModelProvide the Network Security At Different Attacks using Zero Knowledge Protocol
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Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) offer an excellent opportunity to monitor environments, and have a lot of interesting applications, some of which are quite sensitive in nature and require full proof secured environment. The security mechanisms used for
A model for Home Security System (Intruder Warning, Fire Alert, etc) using Zig-Bee Standard in WSN
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Abstract: Security is the main concern nowadays that may be in industries or in homes. So, we are using different sensors at many places in the industries and that status is continuously observed of the gathered information is transfers to the other place via
Implementation of Three tier Security schemes in WSN with Mobile Sinks
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Abstract Mobile sinks (MSs) are vital in many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications for efficient data accumulation, localized sensor reprogramming, and for distinguishing and revoking compromised sensors. However, in sensor networks that make use of the
Border Security Control via Distributed WSN Technology
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Abstract:Wireless Sensors Network (WSN) combine sensing, signal processing, decision capability, and wireless networking capability in a compact, low power system. Among countries, border protection is a sensitive issue and measures are being taken to improve
Security Measures of WSN Networks by Avoiding Message Replay Attacks
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ABSTRACT The challenges area of Ad Hoc networks is attributable to their lack of established infrastructure, requirement for redistributed management, dynamic topology, and wireless channel characteristics. We have a tendency to study the performance of
A Survey of Security Challenges in Internet of Things (IoT) Integration with WSN
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Abstract:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) being one of the most important elements of the IoT paradigm extends its benefits from remote access, surveillance, health, environmental study to intelligent cities and a smarter planet [1]. Integration of WSN with other
Enhancing the Security in WSN using Three Tier Security Architecture
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Abstract:Security is the main issue while setting up the WSN network for node communication. This report describes the efficient mechanism for achieving the security between node communications by creating three tier security architecture. This system
LEDS-An innovative corridor of data security in WSN
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Abstract-Recently, WSNs have drawn a lot of attention due to their broad applications in both military and civilian domains. Data security is essential to the success of WSN applications, exclusively for those mission-critical applications working in unattended and even hostile
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Abstract A huge collection of sensed data is transacted in Wireless Sensor Networks. This sensed data are reported to the sink. These sinks can be predefined data rendezvous points via multi hop communications. Basically WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) plays a key
Security Issues in WSN and Enhancing Base Station
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Abstract Wireless sensor networks that are deployed in applications such as battlefield monitoring and home sentry systems face acute security concerns, including eavesdropping, forgery of sensor data, denial of service attacks, and the physical compromise of sensor
Enhancing The Security Of Wsn In Agriculture
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ABSTRACT: Sensor is the device which takes or senses the physical or chemical quantities of the particular environment and then gives the information to the particular person or the other sink node which is specially designed for the collecting of the data from where the
Security in WSN using Polynomial Pool Based Mechanism
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Abstract:For efficient data accumulation, localized sensor reprogramming, and for distinguishing and revoking compromised sensor mobile sinks (MSs) are necessary in many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications, However, in sensor networks for pair wise This book introduces wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the appearance of which has been made possible by the tremendous development of wireless technology (WT). The book presents the two most familiar types of networks, which are the WSNs and wireless body
[Wireless Sensor Networks] TinySec: A Link Layer Security Architecture for WSN
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3 IntroductionWhat is TinySecSecurity is necessary for widespread deployment of WSN Lightweight, generic security package for WSNEasily integrate into sensor network applications Adds little cost (memory, bandwidth, power)Main Contributions
Security Architecture, Trust Management Model with Risk Evaluation and Node Selection Algorithm for WSN.
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Wireless sensor networks are ideal candidates to monitor the environment in a variety of applications such as military surveillance, forest fire monitoring, etc. In such a network, a large number of sensor nodes are deployed over a vast terrain to detect events of interest
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Abstract-A number of security critical systems like sensors deployed in a chemical plant to monitor the gas leakage, monitoring nuclear radiation level in particular area for example near any nuclear power plant to prevent nuclear radiation spill etc. are the applications
An Efficient Reactive Routing Security Scheme Based on RSA Algorithm for Preventing False Data Injection Attack in WSN
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Abstract Wireless sensor networks are vulnerable to various attacks. Injecting false data attack is one of the serious threats to wireless sensor network. In this attack adversary reports bogus information to the sink which causes error decision at upper level and
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