procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conductiong a sequence of specified actions. or flow chart , programmers do this before writing real programs.
Analgorithmfor the machine calculation of complex Fourier series
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An efficient method for the calculation of the interactions of a 2m factorial experiment was introduced by Yates and is widely known by his name. The generalization to 3m was given Good generalized these methods and gave elegant algorithms for which
The condensationalgorithm conditional density propagation and applications to visual tracking
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The problem of tracking curves in dense visual clutter is a challenging one. Trackers based on Kalman filters are of limited power; because they are based on Gaussian densities which are unimodal they cannot represent simultaneous alternative hypotheses. Extensions to the Kalman
A density-basedalgorithmfor discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise.
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Abstract Clustering algorithms are attractive for the task of class identification in spatial databases. However, the application to large spatial databases rises the following requirements for clustering algorithms: minimal requirements of domain knowledge to
On spectral clustering: Analysis and analgorithm
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Despite many empirical successes of spectral clustering methods algorithms that cluster points using eigenvectors of matrices derived from the data-there are several unresolved issues. First, there are a wide variety of algorithms that use the eigenvectors in slightly
Experiments with a new boostingalgorithm
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Abstract In an earlier paper, we introduced a newboosting algorithmcalled AdaBoost which, theoretically, can be used to significantly reduce the error of any learningalgorithm that consistently generates classifiers whose performance is a little better than random
SPEA2: Improving the strength Pareto evolutionaryalgorithm
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Abstract The Strength Pareto EvolutionaryAlgorithmSPEA is a relatively recent technique for finding or approximating the Pareto-optimal set for multiobjective optimization problems. In different studies
Automated docking using a Lamarckian geneticalgorithmand an empirical binding free energy function
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ABSTRACT: A novel and robust automated docking method that predicts the bound conformations of flexible ligands to macromolecular targets has been developed and tested, in combination with a new scoring function that estimates the free energy change upon
The Levenberg Marquardtalgorithm : implementation and theory
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proposed a very elegantalgorithmfor the numerical solution of (1.1). However, most implementations are either not robust, or do not have a solid theoretical justification. In this work we discuss a robust
Watersheds in digital spaces: an efficientalgorithmbased on immersion simulations
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Abstract-In this paper, a fast and flexiblealgorithmfor computing watersheds in digital grayscale images is introduced. A review of watersheds and related notion is first presented, and the major methods to determine watersheds are discussed. The presentalgorithmis
A new learningalgorithmfor blind signal separation
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Abstract A new on-line learningalgorithmwhich minimizes a statistical dependency among outputs is derived for blind separation of mixed signals. The dependency is measured by the average mutual information (MI) of the outputs. The source signals and the mixing matrix are
LSQR: Analgorithmfor sparse linear equations and sparse least squares
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Reliable stopping criteria are derived, along with estimates of standard errors for x and the condition number of A. These are used in the FORTRAN implementation of the method, subroutine LSQR. Numerical tests are described comparing I~ QR with several other The purpose of thealgorithmis to calculate the least value of a real function where x is a vector of n real variables, subject to the constraints 0, i= 1, 2,, m: ci 0, i= m+ 1, m+ 2,(1.1) on the value We suppose that the objective and constraint functions are differentiable and
Pyramidal implementation of the affine lucas kanade feature tracker description of thealgorithm
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1 Problem Statement Letandbe two 2D grayscaled images. The two quantities(x)= ( ) and(x)=( ) are then the grayscale values of the two images at the location x=[ ] , whereandare the two pixel coordinates of a generic image point x. The image
Fast approximate nearest neighbors with automaticalgorithmconfiguration.
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Abstract: For many computer vision problems, the most time consuming component consists of nearest neighbor matching in high-dimensional spaces. There are no known exact algorithms for solving these high-dimensional problems that are faster than linear search.
Geneticalgorithmapproaches for the phylogenetic analysis of large biological sequence datasets under the maximum likelihood criterion
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GARLI (GeneticAlgorithmfor Rapid Likelihood Inference) is a heuristic searchalgorithmfor performing phylogenetic inference under the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion. The algorithmwas developed with the goals of increasing both the speed of ML inference and
A gentle tutorial of the EMalgorithmand its application to parameter estimation for Gaussian mixture and hidden Markov models
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Abstract We describe the maximum-likelihood parameter estimation problem and how the Expectation-Maximization (EM)algorithmcan be used for its solution. We first describe the abstract form of the EMalgorithmas it is often given in the literature. We then develop the
Outline of analgorithmfor integer solutions to linear programs
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BY RALPH E. GOMORY* Communicated by AW Tucker, May 3, 1958 The problem of obtaining the best integer solution to a linear program comes up in several contexts. The connection with combinatorial problems is given by Dantzig in [l], the connection with
The GENITORAlgorithmand Selection Pressure: Why Rank-Based Allocation of Reproductive Trials is Best.
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Abstract This paper reports work done over the past three years using rank-based allocation of reproductive trials. New evidence and arguments are presented which suggest that allocating reproductive trials according to rank is superior to tness proportionate
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DijkstrasAlgorithm Sources:S. Skiena. TheAlgorithmDesign Manual.S. Sedgewick. Algorithms in C++ (3rd Edition) Page 2. 2 ProblemTwo algorithms, depending on what information we wantRecall: All pairs shortest path: Floydsalgorithm Single source
MRI-PET registration with automatedalgorithm
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Objective: We have previously reported an automated method for withinmodality (eg, PET-te- PET) image alignment. We now describe modifications to this method that allow for cross- modality registration of MRI and PET brain images obtained from a single subject. Methods:
A geneticalgorithmfor function optimization: a Matlab implementation
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A geneticalgorithmimplemented in Matlab is presented. Matlab is used for the following reasons: it provides many built in auxiliary functions useful for function optimization it is completely portable and it is efficient for numerical computations. The geneticalgorithm
The clonal selectionalgorithmwith engineering applications
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Abstract The clonal selectionalgorithmis used by the natural immune system to define the basic features of an immune response to an antigenic stimulus. It establishes the idea that only those cells that recognize the antigens are selected to proliferate. The selected cells are
A PIValgorithmfor estimating time-averaged velocity fields
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There has been a significant amount of work over the past 15 years developing theory for particle image velocimetry, including Adrian and Yao 1, Adrian 2, 3, Keane and Adrian 4, 5, and Westerweel 6. A large fraction of this effort has been focused on determining optimal
Development of a stemmingalgorithm
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A stemmingalgorithm a procedure to reduce all words with the same stem to a common form, is useful in many areas of computational linguistics and information-retrieval work. While the form of thealgorithmvaries with its application, certain linguistic problems are
A filteringalgorithmfor constraints of difference in CSPs
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A FilteringAlgorithmfor Constraints of Difference in CSPs
A Multi-LevelAlgorithmFor Partitioning Graphs.
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Abstract. The graph partitioning problem is that of dividing the vertices of a graph into sets of speci ed sizes such that few edges cross between sets. This NP complete problem arises in many important scienti c and engineering problems. Prominent examples include the We design a short program which will run on most machines and encypher safely. It uses a large number of iterations rather than a complicated program. It is hoped that it can easily be translated into most languages in a compatible way. The first program is given below. It uses little set up
Analysis and simulation of a fair queueingalgorithm
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SUMMARY We discuss gateway queueing algorithms and their role in controlling congestion in datagram networks. A fair queueingalgorithm based on an earlier suggestion by Nagle, is proposed. Analysis and simulations are used to compare thisalgorithmto other
A fast voxel traversalalgorithmfor ray tracing
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ABSTRACT A fast and simple voxel traversalalgorithmthrough a 3D space partition is introduced. Going from one voxel to its neighbour requires only two floating point comparisons and one floating point addition. Also, multiple ray intersections with objects that
PatchMatch: A randomized correspondencealgorithmfor structural image editing
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Abstract This paper presents interactive image editing tools using a new randomized algorithmfor quickly finding approximate nearestneighbor matches between image patches. Previous research in graphics and vision has leveraged such nearest-neighbor searches to
Closet: An efficientalgorithmfor mining frequent closed itemsets.
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Abstract Association mining may often derive an undesirably large set of frequent itemsets and association rules. Recent studies have proposed an interesting alternative: mining frequent closed itemsets and their corresponding rules, which has the same power as
The EMalgorithmfor mixtures of factor analyzers
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Abstract Factor analysis, a statistical method for modeling the covariance structure of high dimensional data using a small number of latent variables, can be extended by allowing different local factor models in different regions of the input space. This results in a model
The focussed D^*algorithmfor real-time replanning
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Abstract Finding the lowest-cost path through a graph is central to many problems, including route planning for a mobile robot. If arc costs change during the traverse, then the remainder of the path may need to be replanned. This is the case for a sensor-equipped mobile robot
Effectiveness of managing suspected pulmonary embolism using analgorithmcombining clinical probability, D-dimer testing, and computed tomography
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Writing Group for the Christopher Study Investigators* THE MAIN CHALLENGE IN THE DI- agnostic workup of patients with clinically suspected pul- monary embolism is to accu- rately and rapidly distinguish the ap- proximately 25% of patients who have the disease and require anticoagulant
Point-based value iteration: An anytimealgorithmfor POMDPs
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(PBVI)algorithmfor POMDP planning. PBVI approximates an exact value iteration solution by selecting a small set of representative belief points and then tracking the value and its derivative for those points only. By using stochastic trajectories to choose belief points, and
A brief description of the Levenberg-Marquardtalgorithmimplemented by levmar
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Abstract The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM)algorithmis an iterative technique that locates the minimum of a function that is expressed as the sum of squares of nonlinear functions. It has become a standard technique for nonlinear least-squares problems and can be thought of
Power control in ad-hoc networks: Theory, architecture,algorithmand implementation of the COMPOW protocol
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ABSTRACT We present a new protocol for power control in ad hoc networks. We describe the issues in conceptualizing the power control problem, and provide an architecturally simple as well as theoretically well founded solution. The solution is shown to
A robustalgorithmfor pitch tracking (RAPT)
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The need for reliable automatic estimates of the voice fundamental frequency has engaged as many creative minds as any topic in speech analysis. Reports on the algorithms and systems resulting from these efforts comprise a rich literature spanning several generations.
A fastalgorithmfor multi-pattern searching
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SUMMARY A newalgorithmto search for multiple patterns at the same time is presented. Thealgorithmis faster than previous algorithms and can support a very large numbertens of thousandsof patterns. Several applications of the multi-pattern matching problem are
A fastalgorithmfor multilevel thresholding
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Otsu reference proposed a criterion for maximizing the between-class variance of pixel intensity to perform picture thresholding. However, Otsus method for image segmentation is very time-consuming because of the inefficient formulation of the between-class variance. In
Music-inspired harmony searchalgorithm : theory and applications
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Calculus has been used in solving many scientific and engineering problems. For optimization problems, however, the differential calculus technique sometimes has a drawback when the objective function is step-wise, discontinuous, or multi-modal, or when
A fast non-negativity-constrained least squaresalgorithm
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SUMMARY In this paper a modification of the standardalgorithmfor non-negativity- constrained linear least squares regression is proposed. Thealgorithmis specifically designed for use in multiway decomposition methods such as PARAFAC and N-mode
An Industrial Strength Audio SearchAlgorithm .
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We have developed and commercially deployed a flexible audio search engine. The algorithmis noise and distortion resistant, computationally efficient, and massively scalable, capable of quickly identifying a short segment of music captured through a cellphone
The alternating decision tree learningalgorithm
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Abstract The application of boosting procedures to decision tree algorithms has been shown to produce very accurate classifiers. These classifiers are in the form of a majority vote over a number of decision trees. Unfortunately, these classifiers are often large, complex and
Ridge regression learningalgorithmin dual variables
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Abstract In this paper we study a dual version of the Ridge Regression procedure. It allows us to perform non-linear regression by constructing a linear regression function in a high dimensional feature space. The feature space representation can result in a large increase
X3: A low overhead high performance buffer management replacementalgorithm
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Abstract In a path-breaking paper last year Pat and Betty ONeil and Gerhard Weikum pro posed a self-tuning improvement to the Least Recently Used (LRU) buffer management algorithm[l5]. Their improvement is called LRU/k and advocates giving priority to buffer
An Investigation of some Properties of an AntAlgorithm .
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Abstract We have used the metaphor of ant colonies to define the Ant system, a class of distributed algorithms for combinatorial optimization. To test the Ant system we used the travelling salesman problem. In this paper we analyze some properties of Ant-cycle, the up
Conventional geneticalgorithmfor job shop problems.
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Abstract The job shop problem (JSP) is NP-hard, much harder than the traveling salesman problem. This paper shows how a conventional GeneticAlgorithm(GA) can efficiently solve the JSP. We introduce unique ideas in representation, evaluation, and survival. A solution is
An evolutionaryalgorithmfor multi objective optimization: The strength pareto approach
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Abstract Evolutionary algorithms (EA) have proved to be well suited for optimization problems with multiple objectives. Due to their inherent parallelism they are able to capture a number of solutions concurrently in a single run. In this report, we propose a new In many information retrieval and text-editing applications it is necessary to be able to locate quickly some or all occurrences of user-specified words or phrases in one or several arbitrary text strings. Specifically, we consider retrieval from unformatted data, for example, a
Femto second pulse shaping by an evolutionaryalgorithmwith feedback
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Abstract. We report on computer controlled compression of femtosecond laser pulses using a programmable liquid crystal spatial light modulator which is feedback-controlled by an evolutionaryalgorithm . Thisalgorithmgenerates the optimal laser field on the basis of
Training multilayer perceptrons with the extended Kalmanalgorithm
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ABSTRACT A large fraction of recent work in artificial neural nets uses multilayer perceptrons trained with the back-propagationalgorithmdescribedThis algorithmconverges slowly for large or complex problems such as speech recognition,
An accelerated proximal gradientalgorithmfor nuclear norm regularized linear least squares problems
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Abstract The affine rank minimization problem, which consists of finding a matrix of minimum rank subject to linear equality constraints, has been proposed in many areas of engineering and science. A specific rank minimization problem is the matrix completion problem, in ALGORITHMFOR DETERMINING THE TYPE OF A SINGULAR FIBER IN AN ELLIPTIC PENCIL. Summary Generalised Weierstrass form Change of coordinates Minimal Weierstrass equation over
Multiobjective optimization using the niched pareto geneticalgorithm
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Abstract Many, if not most, optimization problems have multiple objectives. Historically, multiple objectives (ie, attributes or criteria) have been combined ad hoc to form a scalar objective function, usually through a linear combination (weighted sum) of the multiple
GAlib: A C++ library of geneticalgorithmcomponents
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GAlib is a C++ library of geneticalgorithmobjects. The library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++ program using any representation and any genetic operators. This documentation includes an extensive overview of how to implement
The parti-gamealgorithmfor variable resolution reinforcement learning in multidimensional state-spaces
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Abstract Parti-game is a newalgorithmfor learning from delayed rewards in high dimensional real-valued state-spaces. In high dimensions it is essential that learning does not explore or plan over state space uniformly. Part i-game maintains a decision-tree
An on-linealgorithmfor real-time accompaniment
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Abstract Real-time accompaniment solves most of the synchronization problems inherent in taped accompaniment; however, this new approach requires the computer to have the ability to follow the soloist. Three subproblems arise: detecting and processing input from the live
A fast clusteringalgorithmto cluster very large categorical data sets in data mining.
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Abstract Partitioning a large set of objects into homogeneous clusters is a fundamental operation in data mining. The k-meansalgorithmis best suited for implementing this operation because of its efficiency in clustering large data sets. However, working only on -SOFTWARE SALES SERVICE-