android os operating system 2012
WallDroid: Cloud Assisted Virtualized Application Specific Firewalls for the Android OS
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ABSTRACT Security is becoming an increasingly important feature of today's mobile environment where users download unknown apps and connect their smartphones to unknown networks while roaming. This paper proposes and evaluates an enhanced
WatchMyPhone-Providing developer support for shared user interface objects in collaborative mobile applications
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To Android developers it will be of particular interest, that in case of the Android OS, the binding process between Awareness Widget and WMPView can be directly initiated from the XML file describing the Activity layout.
Managing power for closed-source android os games by lightweight graphics instrumentation
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Further, we have modified the PandaBoard and integrated a low-cost power measurement de- vice. As measurements are directly controlled by the Android OS, repeatability and high accuracy is guaranteed. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 5(2):16, July 2006.
A Proposal to Realize the Provision of Secure Android Applications--ADMS: An Application Development and Management System
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ADMS requires (i) Android OS to be equipped with a security manager, (ii) all application developers to embed a code for event notification into applications to tell all events to the security manager
Change and control paradoxes in mobile infrastructure innovation: the Android and iOS mobile operating systems cases
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applications. 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Reputation Based Security Model for Android Applications
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We have the following different types of application components, in the Android OS: Activities, Services, Content providers and Broadcast receivers. 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference
Analysis of Android Applications' Permissions
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If an application requests the GPS resource without having the appropriate per- mission, then the Android OS may throw a Security Exception or simply not grant the requested resource. 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and Reliability Companion
Development of m-Sahayak-the Innovative Android based Application for Real-time Assistance in Indian Agriculture and Health Sectors
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Charalampos Doukas, Thomas Pliakas, and Ilias Maglogiannis Mobile Healthcare Information Management utilizing Cloud Computing and Android OS 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp.
Taming Mr Hayes: Mitigating signaling based attacks on smartphones
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Our virtualized Page 2. The solution must not depend on a certain smartphone OS. However, for practical reasons (open source, popularity) we chose the Android OS for this work.
Security for mobile ATE applications
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Wearable wireless sensor platform for studying autonomic activity and social behavior in non-human primates
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. C. Mobile Phone Software 4047 Page 3. The mobile phone software was implemented with the Android OS and the JAVA SDK. The Google Nexus S phone, running Android 4.0 was used for data collection.
Design and Realization of Equipment Management System Based on J2EE and Android OS
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An Android-based automotive middleware architecture for plug-and-play of applications
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The Android OS running on the master includes a library containing APIs for accessing those automotive data, allowing automotive M. Torchiano, and M. Violante, An In-Vehicle Infotainment Software Architecture Based on Google Android, in IEEE International Symposium on
Mobile healthcare information management utilizing Cloud Computing and Android OS
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ABSTRACT Cloud Computing provides functionality for managing information data in a distributed, ubiquitous and pervasive manner supporting several platforms, systems and applications. This work presents the implementation of a mobile system that enables
Evaluating android os for embedded real-time systems
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ABSTRACT Since its official public release, Android has captured the interest from companies, developers and the general audience. From that time up to now, this software platform has been constantly improved either in terms of features or supported hardware and, at the
Detection of malicious applications on android os
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The paper presents a methodology for mobile forensics analysis, to detect malicious(or malware) applications, ie, those that deceive users hiding some of their functionalities. This methodology is specifically targeted for the Android mobile operating system, and relies
Building applications for the Android OS mobile platform: a primer and course materials
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ABSTRACT This paper has two parts: first a brief tutorial on Android OS and then we comment on our experience teaching a first offering of this material. The application in the tutorial is based on a case of reverse geo-coding (transforming a textual address to coordinates and
Enabling telecare assessment with pervasive sensing and Android OS smartphone
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ABSTRACT Measurements of vital signs and behavioral patterns can be translated into accurate predictors of health risk, even at an early stage, and can be combined with alarm-triggering systems in order to initiate the appropriate actions. The paper presents the design and
Real-Time Biosignal Acquisition and Telemedicine Platform for AAL Based on Android OS
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ABSTRACT Among other strategic action points, the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme framework has defined telemedicine and remote monitoring as major applications for improved quality of care. With the advent of novel, gamechanging mobile platforms, the
Exploring the Use of Android OS in CS2
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ABSTRACT Smartphones are increasingly being used in classrooms, with a focus on either upper-level software engineering and capstone projects with iOS or Android OS, or a lowerlevel introduction with AppInventor. Our work Android4CS2 provides tools for <
Android OS: A robust, free, open-source operating system for mobile devices
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ABSTRACT Mobile devices have seen an extensive amount of development in recent years, but one question is still looming and nobody seems to have the answer: what is' standard'for the mobile platform? Many companies have already written their own in-house operating
Reliable Real-Time Applications on Android OS
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BS Mongia, VK Madisetti ,IEEE Electrical and Computer , ABSTRACT –The Android operating system (OS) is widely used within several types of embeddedmobile platforms, including mobile phones and tablets, and the industry is exploring the ability of Android within other embedded platforms, ie, automotive or military,
Course Project Proposal: The Android OS
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As the involvement of technology and users demands, modern mobile phones no longer function merely as phoning and texting devices. Instead, they can offer many advanced capabilities with PC-like functionality. Typical applications that can be run on a mobile
Developing 3D Game for Android OS:SNAFDROID
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SNAFDROID with 3-D Graphics that will make the game playing more interesting. The SNAKE game is a well-known and a popular game, giving it a third dimension will make it more intuitive and informative. Giving an option of various environments and train this
A Bengali Speech Synthesizer on Android OS
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S Mukherjee, SKD Mandal , ABSTRACT Different Bengali TTS systems are already available on a resourceful platform such as a personal computer. However, porting these systems to a resource limited device such as a mobile phone is not an easy task. Practical aspects including application size and [HTML]
Check Out Android OS in Your Computer Before Buying
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As we all know Android is an Operating System, by Google, mainly for mobile devices like cell phones, tablet computers and notebooks. It works based upon Linux kernel and GNU software. And the surprise is that you may run Google's Android OS on your PC, just by
Android OS Exploits
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S Demetriou, N Tayal , Page 1. 12/1/2012 1 Android OS Exploits by Soteris DemetriouNikhil Tayal Outline • Motivation • Background • MalwareVulnerabilities • Root Exploits • GingerBreak • Approach • Design - Implementation • Demonstration • References • Conclusions Page 2. 12/1/2012 2
Android Mobile OS
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E Wells , As long as Google keeps Android open and easy to develop for, Android OS will soon be the next OS for all embedded and mobile platforms. Page 6. Kilgo, PM (2007). Android OS: A robust, free, open-source operating. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama. Mobile Phone.
Zeus-Videocon's first Android OS phone
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SS posted Oct , Sriram Sharma enjoys reading and writing about science, technology, games, and being at the intersection of technology and culture. The universe has rewarded him with staff writing gigs at Computer Gaming World India, Digit, Techtree, PC Magazine, Official PlayStation
Android surpasses Symbian to become Ireland's second largest mobile OS
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12:12 pm IST. Android According to StatCounter GlobalStats, Android OS has surpassed SymbianOS to become Ireland's second most popular mobile operating system.
Neuro-evolution in Zero-Sum Perfect Information Games on the Android OS
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ABSTRACT In recent years significant work has been done to use Neural Networks in game AI, and harness the advantages of such a technique. This paper would like to show that it is possible using neuroevolution to evolve a neural network topology optimized for a given
Experience Sampling in the Android OS
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VN Shah, S Mackey , Electronic experience sampling programs have become an important technology in the collection of information about subjects outside of the laboratory setting. The advantages to this approach include an increased amount of data collected under real-world conditions.
E-Commerce on Android OS
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ABSTRACT Using a smart phone, which has a small screen, for browsing an online store is not an enjoyable experience. Using a device with a very small screen size is not appropriate since the web shop's functionalities are not optimized to be accessed from these devices.
Comparison of Android OS and Minix internal architecture
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MB Motlhabi , ABSTRACT This document explains the two main kernel architectures of operating systems: the monolithic kernel which is used by Android and the microkernel which is used by Minix. In this paper we look at the two approaches of building and designing the operationg
Detecting Mobile User Position Without GPS on Android OS
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B.Dorjnamjirmaa, D.Battulga, J.Uitumen and Sh.Sodbileg National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia ABSTRACT Cell systems divide their service territories into many little six equal part crystal cell-shaped parts. This offers a great opportunity to increase a
Rising of an Ingredient Brand: An Exploratory Case of Android OS
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ABSTRACT Ingredient Branding has been in market since 1960's and its popularity have increased in last few years and showing more alliances of products, brands and marketing programs. Also, academic studies are gaining momentum in this direction. The new
WallDroid: Cloud Assisted Virtualized Application Specific Firewalls for the Android OS
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ABSTRACT Security is becoming an increasingly important feature of today's mobile environment where users download unknown apps and connect their smartphones to unknown networks while roaming. This paper proposes and evaluates an enhanced
Survey On Android OS And C2DM Service
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RR Dhruva, V Sudha ,CVR JOURNAL OF SCIENCETECHNOLOGY , ABSTRACT Android is a mobile operating system for mobile devices such as mobile tablet computers developed by Google Inc and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). By means of Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) is a service developers send data from
Indoor/outdoor management system compliant with Google Maps and Android OS
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ABSTRACT Outdoor location/navigation systems are a useful support for our daily life. The majority of these systems are based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which include for example, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Galileo. For indoor location
A UML Model for Mobile Game on the Android OS
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In order to promote the mobile games to keep up with the new technologies development, the mobile game of Gallant Fighter with Double Blade based on the Android OS designed in this paper applies various techniques, especially for the gravity sensing, such as object
Design and Realization of Equipment Management System Based on J2EE and Android OS
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ABSTRACT This paper describes the technical background of J2EE and Android. The authors focus on the design of equipment management software using above technologies. Some key technologies are further analyzed in detail such as how to make mobile client to
Designing Secure SMS Scheme on Android OS?
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J Choi, H Kim ABSTRACT In this paper, we present secure SMS scheme based on pairing operations. The Android platform has been dealt as a topic of mobile security because of the Android is an open platform whose sources can be observed by anyone. The malicious code inserted in
A safari walk-through into JNI within Android™ OS
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A Troina , ABSTRACT This article aims to briefly describe, in the form of some simple and annotated tutorials, how a developer can take advantage of some JNI capabilities under Android operating system to let the Java and Native environments communicate to each other.
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ABSTRACT Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health causing premature deaths worldwide. In these conditions, the development of reliable and accurate mobile systems that measure the indoor air quality together with other parameters associated with health
G6 Chinese input system development for mobile device on android OS
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Chinese information processing is the processing on Chinese characters based on its structure, meaning and pronunciation. It computerizes Chinese information and used by wide variety of applications. It concerns the display of Chinese information and also the
Recognizing recurrent development behaviors corresponding to Android OS release life-cycle
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(MSR) researchers deal with a problem of discovery of interesting and actionable information about software projects. It is a common practice to perform analyzes on the various levels ofAbstraction of change events, for example by aggregating change-events
Managing power for closed-source android os games by lightweight graphics instrumentation
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ABSTRACT Power consumption and battery life are important design concerns for mobile platforms. On these devices games can be considered as one of the most demanding applications in terms of computational cost and consumed energy. In this demo we
Timelog system on Android OS
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ABSTRACT Usage of smart phones has become more common nowadays. Timelog system is a user friendly and web based application which systemizes the business of a company with the focus on time tracking. Following the Timelog system from small screen of smart
Artemisa: An eco-driving assistant for Android Os
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes an eco-driving assistant that facilitates the user to learn the techniques of efficient driving. The Artemisa's assistant evaluates the driver's driving style taking into account some environmental as well as some vehicles's variables such as
Usability Evaluation of Route Mate–A Route Learning System Developed on the Android OSfor People with Intellectual Disability
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S Grantham ABSTRACT This study investigates the usability of a location-aware assistive technology for the Android mobile operating system which is designed to aid the development of cognitive maps in young adults with intellectual disabilities. A mixed method experimental design
Design and Implementation of the Results Space project into Android OS
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Information seeking needs have rapidly increased ever since the explosion of the Web 2.0 applications. The ability to produce output based on specific user input has created a new generation of applications on the web. At this time, there is an abundance of information