Data mining is a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information. By using software to look for patterns in large batches of data, businesses can learn more about their customers and develop more effective marketing strategies as well as increase sales and decrease costs. Data mining is the practice of automatically searching large stores of data to discover patterns and trends that go beyond simple analysis. Data mining uses sophisticated mathematical algorithms to segment the data and evaluate the probability of future events. Data mining is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Data
Advances in knowledge discovery anddata mining
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Page 1. Advances in Knowledge Discovery andData MiningEdited by Usama M. Fayyad Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro GTE Laboratories Incorporated Padhraic Smyth Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques
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Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber,
STING: A statistical information grid approach to spatialdata mining
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Abstract Spatialdata mining ie, discovery of interesting characteristics and patterns that may implicitly exist in spatial databases, is a challenging task due to the huge amounts of spatial data and to the new conceptual nature of the problems which must account for spatial
Data miningfor direct marketing: Problems and solutions.
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Abstract Direct marketing is a process of identifying likely buyers of certain products and promoting the products accordingly. It is increasingly used by banks, insurance companies, and the retail industry.Data miningcan provide an e ective tool for direct marketing. During
Mining frequent patterns in data streams at multiple time granularities
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Abstract: Although frequent-pattern mining has been widely studied and used, it is challenging to extend it to data streams. Compared to mining from a static transaction data set, the streaming case has far more information to track and far greater complexity to
The handbook ofdata mining
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Fuzzydata miningand genetic algorithms applied to intrusion detection
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Page 1. Department of Computer Science Intelligent Systems Laboratory FUZZYDATA MINING AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS APPLIED TO INTRUSION DETECTION Susan M. Bridges Rayford B. Vaughn 23rd National Information
Introduction to businessdata mining
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developed to introduce students as opposed to professional practitioners or engineering students to the fundamental introduction to businessdata mining data miningin business discussion of process
Security and privacy implications ofdata mining
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AbstractData miningenables us to discover information we do not expect to nd in databases. This can be a security/privacy issue: If we make information available, are we perhaps giving out more than we bargained for This position paper discusses possible
Principles ofdata mining(adaptive computation and machine learning)
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Machine Learning) find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for principles ofdata miningadaptive computation and machine learning at amazon read honest and download and read principles ofdata miningadaptive computation and machine learning hootenanny
A fast clustering algorithm to cluster very large categorical data sets indata mining .
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Abstract Partitioning a large set of objects into homogeneous clusters is a fundamental operation indata mining . The k-means algorithm is best suited for implementing this operation because of its efficiency in clustering large data sets. However, working only on
Orange:data miningtoolbox in Python
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Abstract Orange is a machine learning anddata miningsuite for data analysis through Python scripting and visual programming. Here we report on the scripting part, which features interactive data analysis and component-based assembly ofdata mining
DMQL: Adata miningquery language for relational databases
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Abstract The emergingdata miningtools and systems lead naturally to the demand of a powerfuldata miningquery language, on top of which many interactive and exible graphical user interfaces can be developed. This motivates us to design adata miningquery
Metarule-guided mining of multi-dimensional association rules using data cubes.
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Introduction Metarule-guided mining is a interactive approach todata mining whereby the user can probe the data un- der analysis by specifying hypotheses in the form of metarules, or pattern templates. Adata miningsys- tem
Data miningfor education
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Data mining also called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), is the field of discovering novel and potentially useful information from large amounts of data.Data mining has been applied in a great number of fields, including retail sales, bioinformatics, and
What isData Mining
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Page 1. Frequent Item Mining Page 2. What isdata mining=Pa5ern Mining What pa5erns Why are they useful Page 3. 3 Definion: Frequent Itemset Itemset A collecon of one or more items Example: {Milk, Bread, Diaper} k-itemset An itemset that contains k items
Data miningalgorithms to classify students
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Abstract. In this paper we compare differentdata miningmethods and techniques for classifying students based on their Moodle usage data and the final marks obtained in their respective courses. We have developed a specific mining tool for making the configuration
Temporaldata mining : An overview
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Abstract. One of the main unresolved problems that arise during thedata miningprocess is treating data that contains temporal information. In this case, a complete understanding of the entire phenomenon requires that the data should be viewed as a sequence of events.
Predictivedata miningfor medical diagnosis: An overview of heart disease prediction
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ABSTRACT The successful application ofdata miningin highly visible fields like e-business, marketing and retail has led to its application in other industries and sectors. Among these sectors just discovering is healthcare. The healthcare environment is stillinformation rich
Data miningand statistics for decision making
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1 Overview ofdata mining1 1.1 What isdata mining1 1.2 What isdata miningused for4 1.2. 1Data miningin different sectors 4 1.2. 2Data miningin different applications 8 1.3 Data miningand statistics i 11 1.4Data miningand information technology 12 1.5Data
Visualdata mining
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processes with graphic visualization, penalizes both procedures with each others deficiencies and limitations. For example, because an analytical process cant analyze multimedia data, we have to give up the strengths of visualization to study movies and music
Principles ofdata mining
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Any algorithm which assigns a classification to unseen instances is called a classifier. A decision tree of the kind described in earlier chapters is one very popular type of classifier, but there are several others, some of which are described elsewhere in this book. This
Data miningand statistics: Whats the connection
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AbstractData Miningis used to discover patterns and relationships in data, with an emphasis on large observational data bases. It sits at the common frontiers of several elds including Data Base Management, Arti cial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern
Data miningfor network intrusion detection
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Abstract This paper gives an overview of our research in building rare class prediction models for identifying known intrusions and their variations and anomaly/outlier detection schemes for detecting novel attacks whose nature is unknown. Experimental results on the
Data Mining : A hands on approach
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Data miningis basically the process of knowledge discovery, which dates since the dawn of time. People have attempted to performdata miningeven before the term was being in use. Data mininghas know a huge rise of popularity since the early 1990s and have been very
16 Exploration of the Power of Attribute-Oriented Induction inData Mining
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Abstract Attribute-oriented induction is a set-oriented database mining method which generalizes the task-relevant subset of data attribute-by-attribute, compresses it into a generalized relation, and extracts from it the general features of data. In this chapter, the
Scalable, DistributedData MiningAn Agent Architecture.
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Applications ofdata miningto electronic commerce
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Electronic commerce is emerging as the killer domain fordata miningtechnology. Is there support for such a bold statementData miningtechnologies have been around for decades, without moving significantly beyond the domain of computer scientists,
Survey of classification techniques indata mining
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AbstractClassification is adata mining(machine learning) technique used to predict group membership for data instances. In this paper, we present the basic classification techniques. Several major kinds of classification method including decision tree induction, Bayesian
Meta-learning in distributeddata miningsystems: Issues and approaches
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AbstractData miningsystems aim to discover patterns and extract useful information from facts recorded in databases. A widely adopted approach to this objective is to apply various machine learning algorithms to compute descriptive models of the available data. Here, we
Predicting breast cancer survivability usingdata miningtechniques
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Abstract In this paper we present an analysis of the prediction of survivability rate of breast cancer patients usingdata miningtechniques. The data used is the SEER Public-Use Data. The preprocessed data set consists of 151,886 records, which have all the available 16
Applications ofdata miningtechniques in healthcare and prediction of heart attacks
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AbstractThe healthcare environment is generally perceived as being information richyet knowledge poor. There is a wealth of data available within the healthcare systems. However, there is a lack of effective analysis tools to discover hidden relationships and
Mining student data to characterize similar behavior groups in unstructured collaboration spaces
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collabo- ration. In this paper we propose to shape the analysis problem as adata miningtask. We suggest that the typicaldata miningcycle bears many resemblances with proposed models for collaboration manage- ment. We
MineSet: An Integrated System forData Mining .
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Abstract MineSetTM, Silicon Graphics interactive system fordata mining integrates three powerful technologies: database access, analyticaldata mining and data visualization. It supports the knowledge discovery process from data access and preparation through
Online mining of changes from data streams: Research problems and preliminary results
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have to handle various data streams. It is demanding to conduct advanced analysis anddata miningover fast and large data streams to capture the trends, patterns, and ex- ceptions. Recently, some interesting results have
Data mining : The search for knowledge in databases
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AbstractData miningis the search for reIationships and gIobaI patterns that exist in Iarge databases, but arehiddenamong the vast amounts of data, such as a reIationship between patient data and their medicaI diagnosis. These reIationships represent vaIuabIe knowIedge
Mining student data using decision trees
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This paper is an attempt to use thedata miningprocesses, particularly classification, to help in enhancing the quality of the higher educational system by evaluating student data to study the main attributes that may affect the student performance in courses A standard view of probability and statistics centres on distributions and hypothesis testing. To solve a real problem, say in the spread of disease, one chooses a model, a distribution or process that is believed from tradition or intuition to be appropriate to the class of
Data miningand database systems: Where is the intersection
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The promise of decision support systems is to exploit enterprise data for competitive advantage. The process of deciding what data to collect and how to clean such data raises nontrivial issues. However, even after a data warehouse has been set up, it is often difficult
Catching up with the Data: Research Issues in Mining Data Streams.
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To avoid wasting this data, we must switch from the traditional one-shotdata miningapproach to systems that are able to mine continuous, high-volume, open-ended data streams as they arrive Whichdata miningalgorithms are best suited to mining fast data streams Some
Data miningexplained: a managers guide to customer-centric business intelligence
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Business Intelligence start by markingdata miningexplained a managers guide to customer centric business intelligence as want to read get this from a librarydata miningexplained a managers guide to customer centric business intelligence rhonda delmater; monte hancock
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ABSTRACT Companies have been collecting data for decades, building massive data warehouses in which to store it. Even though this data is available, very few companies have been able to realize the actual value stored in it. The question these companies are asking
Data mining : A preprocessing engine
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Abstract: This study is emphasized on different types of normalization. Each of which was tested against the ID3 methodology using the HSV data set. Number of leaf nodes, accuracy and tree growing time are three factors that were taken into account. Comparisons between
An efficient algorithm for mining frequent itemsets over the entire history of data streams
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1 Introduction Mining frequent itemsets is an essential step in manydata mining problems, such as mining association rules, sequential patterns, closed patterns, maximal pattern, and many other importantdata miningtasks
Modern data warehousing, mining, and visualization: core concepts
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Page 1. 2003, Prentice-Hall Chapter 7 1 Chapter 7: The Future ofData Mining Warehousing, and Visualization Modern Data Warehousing, Mining 2003, Prentice-Hall Chapter 7 12 7-4: The Future ofData MiningAs promising as the field may be, it has difficulties
Mining students data to analyze e-Learning behavior: A Case Study
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ABSTRACT Educationaldata miningconcerns with developing methods for discovering knowledge from data that come from educational environment. In this paper we used educationaldata miningto analyze learning behavior
Frequent pattern mining in web log data
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Abstract: Frequent pattern mining is a heavily researched area in the field ofdata mining with wide range of applications Therefore, the application ofdata miningtechniques on the Web is now the focus of an increasing number of researchers
Data Quality Mining-Making a Virute of Necessity.
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Abstract In this paper we introduce data quality mining (DQM) as a new and promisingdata miningapproach from the academic and the business point of view. The goal of DQM is to employdata miningmethods in order to
A mutually beneficial integration ofdata miningand information extraction
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Abstract Text mining concerns applyingdata miningtechniques to unstructured text. Information extraction (IE) is a form of shallow text understanding that locates specific pieces of data in natural language documents, transforming unstructured text into a structured
Mining knowledge in geographical data
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Page 1.MiningKnowledge in Geographical Data Krzysztof Koperski Jiawei Han Junas Adhikary Thus, spatialdata miningdemands an integration ofdata miningwith spatial database technologies. A crucial challenge to spatialdata miningis the
Issues in mining imbalanced data sets-a review paper
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the expectations. For example,data miningand knowl- edge discovery conferences host workshops on new chal- lenging topics triggered by the market: IDS, bioinformat- ics, text and web mining, multimedia mining, etc. With
Data miningfor Internet of Things: A survey.
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AbstractIt sounds like mission impossible to connect everything on the earth together via internet, but Internet of Things (IoT) will dramatically change our life in the foreseeable future, by making manyimpossiblespossible. To many, the massive data generated or
Decision tree analysis on j48 algorithm fordata mining
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AbstractTheData Miningis a technique to drill database for giving meaning to the approachable data. It involves systematic analysis of large data sets. The classification is used to manage data, sometimes tree modelling of data helps to make predictions about
Time series feature extraction fordata miningusing DWT and DFT
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Abstract A new method of dimensionality reduction for time seriesdata miningis proposed. Each time series is compressed with wavelet or Fourier decomposition. Instead of using only the first coefficients, a new method of choosing the best coefficients for a set of time series is
Effective prediction of web-user accesses: Adata miningapproach
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Abstract The problem of predicting web-user accesses has recently attracted significant attention. Several algorithms have been proposed, which find important applications, like user profiling, recommender systems, web prefetching, design of adaptive web sites, etc. In
A survey onData Miningapproaches for Healthcare
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AbstractData Miningis one of the most motivating area of research that is become increasingly popular in health organization.Data Miningplays an important role for uncovering new trends in healthcare organization which in turn helpful for all the parties
Swarm intelligence indata mining
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Summary This chapter presents the biological motivation and some of the theoretical concepts of swarm intelligence with an emphasis on particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization algorithms. The basicdata miningterminologies are explained and
A comparative study of various clustering algorithms indata mining
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Abstract-Data clustering is a process of putting similar data into groups. A clustering algorithm partitions a data set into several groups such that the similarity within a group is larger than among groups. This paper reviews six types of clustering techniques-k-Means
Learning analytics and educationaldata miningin practice: A systematic literature review of empirical evidence
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ABSTRACT This paper aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive background for understanding current knowledge on Learning Analytics (LA) and EducationalData Mining (EDM) and its impact on adaptive learning. It constitutes an overview of empirical evidence
Data miningtechniques
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Page 1.DATA MININGTECHNIQUES Review of Probability Theory Yijun Zhao Northeastern University spring 2015 Yijun ZhaoDATA MININGTECHNIQUES Review of Probability Theory Page 2. Review of Probability Theory Based onReview of Probability Theoryfrom CS 229 -SOFTWARE SALES SERVICE-