Java technology allows you to work and play in a secure computing environment. Upgrading to the latest Java version improves the security of your system, as older versions do not include the latest security updates. Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate JDK (Java SE Development Kit). For Java Developers. Includes a complete JRE plus tools for developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications. Administrators running applications on a server: Server JRE (Server Java Runtime Environment) For deploying Java applications on servers.
TheJavaprogramming language
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Developers around the world have used previous editions to quickly gain a deep understanding of theJavaprogramming language, its design goals, and how to use it most effectively in real-world development. Now, Ken Arnold, James Gosling, and David Holmes have updated
State models andjavaprograms
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We structure complex systems as sets of simpler activities, each represented as a sequential process. Processes can overlap or be concurrent, so as to reflect the concurrency inherent in the physical world, or to offload time-consuming tasks, or to manage communications or
TheJavalanguage environment
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Jop: Ajavaoptimized processor for embedded real-time systems
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Page 1. JOP: AJavaOptimized Processor for Embedded Real-Time Systems Martin Sch berl University of Technology Vienna, Austria Page 2. EmbeddedJavaSystemsJavaOptimized Processor 2 OverviewMotivationRelated workJOP architectureWCET AnalysisResults
Titanium: A high-performanceJavadialect
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Abstract Titanium is a language and system for high-performance parallel scientific computing. Titanium usesJavaas its base, thereby leveraging the advantages of that language and allowing us to focus attention on parallel computing issues. The main
Constructing intelligent agents usingJava
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Page 1. Constructing Intelligent Agents UsingJavaJoseph P. BigusJennifer Bigus Wiley, 2001 Page 2. Ch.1 IntroductionEvents, Conditions, and ActionsAgents vs. ObjectsTaxonomies of AgentsUsingJavafor Intelligent Agents Page 3. IntroductionEvents, Conditions, and
Java3D programming: A guide to key concepts and effective techniques
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Objects first withJava : A practical introduction using Bluej
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A companion website is an online resource which often offers options for selftesting and exploration, such as interactive
Going beyond the sandbox: An overview of the new security architecture in theJavadevelopment kit 1.2.
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Abstract This paper describes the new security architecture that has been implemented as part of JDK1. 2, the forthcoming JavaTM Development Kit. In going beyond the sandbox security model in the original release ofJava JDK1. 2 provides ne-grained access control
3D user interfaces withJava3D
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Javanetwork programming
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on amazon free shipping on qualifying offers a update the third edition of thejavanetwork programming has been published im keeping this page here to support readers who bought the second edition as
Introduction toJavaprogramming: brief version
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The 1st course of a 2 semester introductory sequence for students planning further study in Computer Science, Digital Arts and Sciences, or Computer Engineering. Concepts of computer sciencethe process of computer programming, including object-oriented
JAM:JavaAgents for Meta-Learning over Distributed Databases.
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Abstract In this paper, we describe the JAM system, a distributed, scalable and portable agent-based data mining system that employs a general approach to scaling data mining applications that we call meta-learning. JAM provides a set of learning programs,
Javasoftware solutions: foundations of program design
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Page 1.JavaSoftware Solutions Lewis and LoftusJavaSoftware SolutionsFoundations of Program Design by John Lewis and William Loftus Published by Addison-Wesley presentation slides for Page 2.JavaSoftware Solutions Lewis and Loftus Chapter 1 2 Copyright 1997 by
Data structures and problem solving usingJava
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The programs and applications presented in this book have been included for their instructional value. They have been tested with care, but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties or representations, nor does
JBits: AJavabased interface for reconfigurable computing
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The JBits Bitstream Interface is a set ofJavaclasses which provide an Application Program Interface (API) into the configuration bitstream for devices in the Xilinx XC4000 and Virtex families. This interface permits all configurable resources in the device to be
The Soot framework forJavaprogram analysis: a retrospective
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You can write a compiler pass extending Soot, as either a BodyTransformer, for a intraprocedural analysis; or SceneTransformer, for a whole-program analysis. You choose where this pass should run by putting it in a Pack. Use Maps or attributes to share analysis
Jack intelligent agents-components for intelligent agents injava
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Intelligent Agents are being used for modelling simple rational behaviours in a wide range of distributed applications. Intelligent agents have received various, if not contradictory, definitions; by general consensus, they must show some degree of autonomy, social ability,
Towards seamless computing and metacomputing inJava
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SUMMARY Due to its platform-independent execution model, its support for networking, multithreading and mobile code,Javahas given hope that easy Internet-wide high- performance network computing was at hand. Numerous attempts have then been made at
SPMF: aJavaopen-source pattern mining library
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Abstract We present SPMF, an open-source data mining library offering implementations of more than 55 data mining algorithms. SPMF is a cross-platform library implemented inJava specialized for discovering patterns in transaction and sequence databases such as
Patterns inJava : A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML, volume
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Volume 1 patterns injavavolume 1 a catalog of reusable design patterns illustrated with uml mark grand on amazon free shipping on qualifying offers this is the 28091998nbsp; patterns injavahas 41 ratings and 1 review laurent said a very neat book on design patterns there
Javamessage service
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Page 1.JavaMessage Service The JMS API is an API for accessing enterprise messaging systems fromJavaprograms Version 2.0 (Public Review Draft) Mark Hapner, Rich Burridge, Rahul Sharma, Joseph Fialli, Kate Stout Sun Microsystems (Version 1.1) Nigel Deakin Oracle (Version 2.0) 19
Bigjavaearly objects
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Implement simple sorting algorithms such as insertion sort and selection sort.Implement the sequential search and binary search algorithms.Implement simple recursive algorithms such as binary tree traversalsUse hash tables when appropriate.Understand the
Toba:Javafor Applications-A Way Ahead of Time (WAT) Compiler.
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Abstract Toba is a system for generating efficient standaloneJavaapplications. Toba includes aJavabytecode-to-C compiler, a garbage collector, a threads package, andJava API support. Toba-compiledJavaapplications execute 1.5 4.2 times faster than interpreted
Implementing Multiple Protection Domains inJava .
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Abstract Safe language technology can be used for protection within a single address space. This protection is enforced by the languages type system, which ensures that references to objects cannot be forged. A safe language alone, however, lacks many
Jess, the rule engine for thejavaplatform
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Jess is a rule engine for theJavaplatform. To use it, you specify logic in the form of rules using one of two formats: the Jess rule language (prefered) or XML. You also provide some of your own data for the rules to operate on. When you run the rule engine, your rules are
Low level security inJava
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Abstract TheJava(tm) language allowsJavacompatible Web browsers to download code fragments dynamically and then to execute those code fragments locally. However, users must be wary of executing any code that comes from untrusted sources or that passes
The OWL API: aJavaAPI for working with OWL 2 ontologies
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Abstract. This paper presents the OWL API a high level Application Programming Interface (API) for working with OWL 2 ontologies. The API is closely aligned with the OWL 2 structural specification. It supports parsing and rendering in the syntaxes defined in the W3C
CheckingJavaPrograms via Guarded Commands.
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Abstract This paper defines a simple guarded-command like language and its semantics. The language is used as an intermediate language in generating verification conditions for Java . The paper discusses why it is a good idea to generate verification conditions via an
TheJavalanguage specification
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THEJavaprogramming language is a general-purpose, concurrent, classbased, object- oriented language. It is designed to be simple enough that many programmers can achieve fluency in the language. TheJavaprogramming language is related to C and C++ but is
A benchmark suite for high performanceJava
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Abstract Increasing interest is being shown in the use ofJavafor large scale or Grande applications. This new use ofJavaplaces speci c demands on theJavaexecution environments that could be tested and compared using a standard benchmark suite. We
BIT: A Tool for InstrumentingJavaBytecodes.
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Abstract BIT (Bytecode Instrumenting Tool) is a collection ofJavaclasses that allow one to build customized tools to instrumentJavaVirtual Machine (JVM) bytecodes. Because understanding program behavior is an essential part of developing effective optimization
Secure Information Flow and Pointer Confinement in aJavalike Language.
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Abstract We consider a sequential object-oriented language with pointers and mutable state, private fields and classbased visibility, dynamic binding and inheritance, recursive classes, casts and type tests, and recursive methods. Programs are annotated with security levels,
Distributed programming withJava
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Distributed Programming withJava javaoffers a language and an a process is created by describing a sequence of steps in a programming and with the introduction of distributed object a comprehensive tutorial on distributed programming how
Harissa: A Flexible and EfficientJavaEnvironment Mixing Bytecode and Compiled Code.
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Abstract TheJavalanguage provides a promising solution to the design of safe programs, with an application spectrum ranging from Web services to operating system components. The well-known tradeo ofJavasportability is the ine ciency of its basic execution model,
MVP: Model-View-Presenter the Taligent programming model for C++ andJava
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Taligent, a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM, is developing a next generation programming model for the C++ andJavaprogramming languages, called Model-View-Presenter or MVP, based on a generalization of the classic MVC programming model of Smalltalk. MVP
Usingjavafor discrete event simulation
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Abstract A discrete event simulation library has been written in theJavalanguage, based on the SIM++ library for C++. This allows live simulations to be incorporated into web pages and run remotely. This paper presents a performance comparison with the equivalent C++
Design and evaluation of birthmarks for detecting theft ofjavaprograms.
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ABSTRACT To detect theft ofJavaclass files efficiently, we have so far proposed a concept ofJavabirthmarks. Since the birthmarks are unique and native characteristics of every class file, a class file with the same birthmark of another can be
Modeling physics with easyjavasimulations
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Modeling has been shown to correct weak-nesses of traditional instruction by engaging students in the design of physical models to describe, explain, and predict phenomena. 1 Although the modeling method can be used without computers, the use of computers allows
MASON: AJavamulti-agent simulation library
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We present MASON, a new multiagent simulation library written forJava . MASON is a general-purpose, single-process, discrete-event simulation library intended to support diverse multiagent experiments ranging from 3D continuous robotics to social complexity
The costs of soil erosion onJava : a natural resource accounting approach
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ABSTRACT Soil erosion is analogous to the depreciation of man made assets. Unlike the depreciation of capital assets, however, the effects of soil erosion are not reflected in conventional measures of economic welfare. This occurs because efficient markets seldom
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22. Quaternary oxygen isotope record of pelagic foraminifers: site 806, OntongJavaPlateau
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ABSTRACT The oxygen isotope records of G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina in the uppermost three cores at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 805C span the last 1.6 my, an estimate based on Fourier stratigraphy. The last 700,000 yr are dominated by both eccentricityand obliquity-
Javaserver programming
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Summary Building and managing server-side enterprise applications has always been a challenge. Over the last two decades, the role and importance of server-side applications has increased. The twenty-first century economy dictates that ecommerce and other
More efficient serialization and RMI forJava
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Abstract. In currentJavaimplementations, Remote Method Invocation RMI is too slow, especially for high performance computing. RMI is designed for wide-area and high-latency networks, it is based on a slow object serialization, and it does not support high-performance
TheJavamemory model is fatally flawed
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Abstract TheJavamemory model described in Chapter 17 of theJavaLanguage Specification gives constraints on how threads interact through memory. This chapter is hard to interpret and poorly understood; it imposes constraints that prohibit common compiler
Is thejavatype system sound
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Abstract We argue that theJavatype system is sound, by proving a subject reduction theorem. We de ne a subset ofJava a language which is safe and which re ects the most essential features ofJava a term rewriting system for the operational semantics and a type
Pragmatic Project Automation: How to Build, Deploy and MonitorJavaApps
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read pragmatic project automation how to build deploy and monitorjavaapps pragmatic project automation how to build deploy and monitorjavaapps download and read pragmatic
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Since its release in May of 1995,Javahas swept across the Internet. With its promise of truly network oriented computing and a nearly universal system for distributing applications,Java is widely seen as the solution to many of the most persistent problems in client/server
Process Oriented Design forJava : Concurrency for All.
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It is our basic belief that extreme caution is warranted when designing and building multi- threaded applicationsuse of threads can be very deceptivein almost all cases they make debugging, testing, and maintenance vastly more difficult and sometimes impossible.
Geochemistry and geochronology of Leg 130 basement lavas: nature and origin of the OntongJavaPlateau
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ABSTRACT Basement rocks from the OntongJavaPlateau are tholeiitic basalts that appear to record very high degrees of partial melting, much like those found today in the vicinity of Iceland. They display a limited range of incompatible element and isotopic variation, but
A method for watermarkingjavaprograms via opaque predicates
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Abstract In this paper, we present a method for watermarkingJavaprograms that uses opaque predicates, improving upon those presented in two previous papers [13, 9]. We present two algorithms: the first is simpler to implement and to analyze, but certain distortive
An empirical comparison of c, c++,java perl, python, rexx and tcl
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Abstract 80 implementations of the same set of requirements, created by 74 different programmers in various languages, are compared for several properties, such as run time, memory consumption, source text length, comment density, program structure, reliability,
Introduction to programming with Greenfoot: object-oriented programming inJavawith games and simulations
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Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot: Object-Oriented Programming inJavawith Games and Simulations introduction to programming with greenfoot object oriented programming injavawith games and simulations welcome to
Generics in theJavaprogramming language
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JDK 1.5 introduces several extensions to theJavaprogramming language. One of these is the introduction of generics. This tutorial is aimed at introducing you to generics. You may be familiar with similar constructs from other languages, most notably C++ templates. If so, youll
Adding contracts toJavawith Handshake
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Abstract. Contracts describe an agreement between the writer and the user of a class. Their use enhances programmer productivity and program reliability, especially in library code. Handshake provides contracts forJavaclasses and interfaces in the form of class invariants -SOFTWARE SALES SERVICE-