linux as an embedded operating system
Linux: an Embedded Operating System for Mobile Robots
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Developed at UWE Bristol's Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) Laboratory for conducting experiments in collective mobile robotics, the LinuxBot is a proven and reliable wireless- networked wheeled mobile robot capable of supporting a wide range of sensors and
Rapid Hardware-Software Partitioning of an Embedded Application and the Impact ofEmbedded Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT With the increasing popularity of hand-held electronic devices driving a trend towards miniaturization and feature-richness in devices, battery power consumption and the speed at which these devices operate have become increasingly important design
Design and implementation of CAN device driver under embedded ARM Linux operating system.
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A distributed CAN bus control system is introduced to meet the demand of real-time capability and system reliability on a mobile robotic control system. The hardware interface design for expanding CAN-bus device on a S3C2410 board is then described. Detailed
Operating System Components for an Embedded Linux System
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ABSTRACT Embedded systems can be found in more and more devices. Linux as a free operating system is also becoming more and more important in embedded applications. Linux even replaces other operating systems in certain areas (eg mobile phones).
Linux Operating System Software Debugging Techniques with Xilinx EmbeddedDevelopment Platforms
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ABSTRACT This application note discusses Linux Operating System debugging techniques. Debugging boot issues, kernel panics, software and hardware debuggers, driver application interaction, and various other tools are discussed.
Design of electrical parameter measuring system based on embedded Linux operating system
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In order to solve the problems of low Intelligent and narrow range of the traditional electrical parameter instrument, a system based on synchronization algorithms and Linux OS was designed for measuring electrical parameters such as voltage, current, power, etc.. A new
Migration from a Real-Time Operating System to Embedded Linux
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ABSTRACT Many embedded systems today are built around off-the-shelf components which are both fast and inexpensive. With every new generation of components, performance increases and the price/performance ratio decreases. The extra amount of resources
Embedded operating system energy analysis and macro-modeling
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Embedded Operating System Energy Analysis and Macro-modeling TK Tan , A. Raghunathan ¡ , and NK Jha ¢ Dept. We validate our methodology by deriving en- ergy macro-models for two state-of-the-art embedded OS's, ¤ C/OS and Linux OS.
Tinyos: An operating system for sensor networks
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Page 131. TinyOS: An Operating System for Sensor Networks P. Levis, S. Madden, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, K. Whitehouse, A. Woo, D. Gay, J. Hill, M. Welsh, E. Brewer, and D. CullerABSTRACT We present TinyOS, a flexible, application
Embedded Linux as a platform for dynamically self-reconfiguring systems-on-chip
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In line with this platform-based approach, it was determined that the software infrastructure needs of Egret would be best served by an embedded operating system, rather than a classical microkernel. We chose the open source Linux derivative called uClinux (you-see-linux).
New ventures based on open innovation–an empirical analysis of start-up firms in embeddedLinux
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Our findings have several implications for the development of the embedded operating system industry. Reduced entry barriers in embedded Linux, in particular reduced sunk cost required
Selecting and implementing an embedded database system
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Linux or VxWorks on a Pentium chip set with a conventional magnetic disk storage system, you can choose from several data- base systems. Developers who use less popular embedded oper- ating systems, who need to run on more than one embedded operating system, or
Design rationale of the PURE object-oriented embedded operating system
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238 Design Rationale of the Pure Object-Oriented Embedded Operating System 4. Analysis The PURE system is implemented in C++ and runs (as guest level and in native mode) on 180x86-, i860-, sparc-, and ppc60x-based platforms. 2.3 for the i586 running Linux Red Hat 5.0
Software Development in Embedded Linux-Informal Collaboration of Competing Firnis
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topic of section 4. embedded Linux-specific code Standard Linux Figure 2: Adoption of and contribution to free code by embedded Linux firms Since an embedded operating system is tailored to a specific device and purpose, much of the code in Standard Linux is not needed.
Embedded battle royal [embedded operating systems]
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For WinCE and Linux, the answer is a loud yes. Microsoft regularly boasts of the millions of developers worldwide familiar with its develop- ment tools, while estimates of the developers familiar with GNU Companylocation Embedded operating system Tools Product
CiAO: An aspect-oriented operating-system family for resource-constrained embedded systems
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A good example for this class of highly configurable systems with small footprint is the new embedded operating-system standard specified by OS distinguishes between two categories of ISRs that are somewhat comparable to top halves and bottom halves in Linux: Category-1
Embedded Linux system design and development
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Today the most common embedded operating system used in new products is Linux. The rapid growth of Linux as the top choice for an embedded operating system in new products is in part due to the ease of using embedded Linux to replace homegrown operating systems.
Embedded Linux implementation on a commercial digital TV system
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system that can efficiently manage hardware resources is required. There are commercial embedded operating systems such as pSOSTM in digital TV systems. However, the cost of production is high due to expensive royalties when those are used. But if an embedded Linux
Building embedded Linux systems
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Page 3. Linux ail?) systems in everytliing from cell phones to car ABS ml' systems and water-?lt:'ation plants, there are surpris- ingly few sources of inlo1'mation for creating, installing, and testing the Linux kernel and related tools. Page 4. Building Embedded Linux Systems
Using Linux in embedded and real-time systems
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1 of 5 2/3/03 10:11 AM Using Linux in Embedded and Real-Time Systems When you need an embedded operating system, Linux is a good place to start. Here's why. by Rick Lehrbaum
Energy macromodeling of embedded operating systems
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We validate our methodol- ogy by deriving energy macromodels for two state-of-the-art embedded OSs, µC/OS [Labrosse 1999] and Linux OS [ARM Linux]. To demonstrate our approach, we perform the steps on two well-known OSs, namely, µC/OS and Linux OS.
A component based operating system for resource limited embedded devices
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[4], Michael Beck, Harald Bohme, Mirko Dziadzka, Ulrich Kunitz, Robert Magnus, and Dirk Verworner, Linux Kernel Internals, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., September 1996. [7], Zan-Yu Chen, A Component Based Embedded Operating System, Master Thesis
On the configuration of non-functional properties in operating system product lines
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D. Lohmann, W. Schrder-Preikschat, and O. Spinczyk. On the design and development of a customizable embedded operating system. In SRDS Dependable Embedded Systems (SRDS-DES'04), Oct. 2004. [14] A. Rubini and J. Corbet. Linux Device Drivers.