linux operating system research papers
linux file systems performance on solid state drive
linux operating system research papers
Integrating flexible support for security policies into the Linux operating system
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NSA Peter Loscocco ,Proceedings of the FREENIX Track: USENIX ,
A linux-based real-time operating system
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ABSTRACT This work describes the design, implementation, and possible applications of Real- Time Linux| a hard real-time version of the Linux operating system. In this system, a standard time-sharing OS and a real-time executive run on the same computer. Interrupt controller
The Linux Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux
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The Linux operating system has become the leading alternative to the operating systems from Microsoft Corporation that are installed on almost all new personal computers which use x86-compatible microprocessors. It provides an excellent environment for doing
Integrating flexible support for security policies into the Linux operating system
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Page 1. s Information Assurance Research Group s 1 Integrating Flexible Support for Security Policies into the Linux Operating System
Extending the Linux operating system for grid computing
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ABSTRACT The emergence of metacomputing and grid technologies as a new trend in high performance computing has opened up many interesting problems in the implementation of resource-sharing and efficient scheduling of compute-intensive processes. While much
Linux: a portable operating system
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This thesis is an introduction to the portability issues of the Linux kernel. It is not only meant to be my Masters thesis, I hope it will actually be useful for people who want to port Linux to other architectures, or for people who just want to know the design issues and goals of
Linux Operating System Support for the SCC Platform-An Analysis.
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ABSTRACT The Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCC) is an experimental many-core system created for research purposes by Intel Labs. In this paper, we analyze the necessary adjustments to run a Linux kernel on a processor core of the new processor design.
Linux As a Real-Time Operating System
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1. Executive Summary From 1998 until 2002, Freescale's engineers developed and integrated the dual-kernel, real-time solutions for Linux (RTLinux and RTAI) with our Linux board support packages (BSPs). These solutions provide sub-20 microsecond precision
Operating System Linux as Developing and Runtime Platform for Control System of Particle Accelerator
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ABSTRACT What operating system to choose is a common problem necessary to solve during development of control system for particle accelerator. It would be very attractive to use the same operating system as for development of software components of control system as
Rapid Hardware-Software Partitioning of an Embedded Application and the Impact of Embedded Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT With the increasing popularity of hand-held electronic devices driving a trend towards miniaturization and feature-richness in devices, battery power consumption and the speed at which these devices operate have become increasingly important design
Parallel Programming Support within the Linux Operating System
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The fundamental concept of parallel programming is to speed up the execution of a program by dividing it into smaller pieces (fragments). This fractions will than be spread over an amount of processors available to the underlying operating system.
Operating System Components for an Embedded Linux System
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ABSTRACT Embedded systems can be found in more and more devices. Linux as a free operating system is also becoming more and more important in embedded applications. Linux even replaces other operating systems in certain areas (eg mobile phones).
Linux as a Real-Time Operating System
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• Unix, POSIX lineage of a full-function OS including rich multitasking, IPC, networking, file systems, memory protection, multi-user, security and protection, SMP, etc.• Standard well- known API's makes it easy for third party developers to develop middleware, libraries,
A software platform to support dynamically reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip under the GNU/Linux operating system
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reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip under the GNU/Linux operating system 26th July 2005 Alberto DonatoRelatore: runtime. Provide software support for dynamic partial reconfiguration on Systems-on-Chip running the LINUX operating system. Issues:
Indian Language Support for the Linux Operating System
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Almost all the widely available software today is written and documented in English, and uses English as the medium to interact with users. This has the advantage of a common language of communication between developers, maintainers and users from different
Operating System Call Integrity of the Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT Operating System Call Integrity of the Linux Operating System examines the security exposures of the Linux Operating System arising from functions used in its construction. The ITS4 commercial package was used to identify suspect calls. While the
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ABSTRACT What operating system to choose is a common problem necessary to solve during development of control system for particle accelerator. It would be very attractive to use the same operating system as for development of software components of control system as
Building CHAOS: an Operating System for Livermore Linux Clusters
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This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal
Process monitoring in operating system Linux.
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ABSTRACT The article deals with a design of system module for the selected processes monitoring in the operating system RT-Linux. The designed module will be able to observe states of selected processes in real-time (start, stop, interruption) and visualize changes
The MOSIX Cluster Operating System for High-Performance Computing on Linux Clusters, Multi-Clusters and Clouds
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MOSIX1 is a cluster operating system that provides users and applications with the impression of running on a single computer with multiple processors (single-system image), without changing the interface and the run-time environment of their respective login
Evaluating Process Scheduling on Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT This paper presents an empirical analysis of the Linux operating system scheduler for parallel applications with multiple processes. The main objective is to provide guidance to the developers who deal with parallel application running on multi-core machines,
Extended Log Structured File System for Linux Operating System
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J Naveenkumar, R Khalkar , ABSTRACT This paper discusses the design and implementation of ELFS,(an Extended Log Structured File system for Linux Operating System). ELFS features a generic core providing logging facilities that are file system independent and a file system personality. This
Making use of e-Learning techniques for the study of Linux operating system installation
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I Florea, C Aldea , ABSTRACT The e-learning techniques constitute an alternative to the traditional education methods based on chalk and blackboard that are being used in order to transmit items of knowledge and information. There occur situations when the electronic education stands
Media Center oriented Linux Operating System
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T MIU, O STANESCU, A CONSTANTIN ABSTRACT Nowadays there is a high demand of computer controller multimedia home systems. A great variety of computer software media center systems is available on the market, software which transforms an ordinary computer into a home media system. This
The Linux Operating System
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Linux is a free Unix-like operating system that has become popular with PC users around the world. An independent POSIX (see Box1) implementation, Linux does true multitasking and includes virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, memory management, TCP/IP
The UNIX/Linux Operating System Networking/Internet
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The Internet network is a hierarchical network of thousands of networks involving millions of host computers and tens of millions of users from over 100 countries. In March 1997, the one- millionth domain name was registered (from Internet World, October 1997 issue)–nrc. ca is
Linux Operating System Software Debugging Techniques with Xilinx Embedded Development Platforms
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ABSTRACT This application note discusses Linux Operating System debugging techniques. Debugging boot issues, kernel panics, software and hardware debuggers, driver - application interaction, and various other tools are discussed.
The UNIX/Linux Operating System
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The Internet network is a hierarchical network of thousands of networks involving millions of host computers and tens of millions of users from over 100 countries. In March 1997, the one- millionth domain name was registered (from Internet World, October 1997
The Open Source Code movement: the Linux operating system
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M van Wegberg , Since 1991, a world-Wide group of volunteer programmers has developed an operating system for desktop computers and servers. The program is called Linux, and is derived from the Unix operating system. Since 1998, Linux is somewhat of a hype as major computer
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B DAMJANOVIC, D SIMIC , Today, eleven years after being standardized, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is de facto a world standard for data encryption. After being published in the FIPS-197 document for the first time, continuous efforts have been made towards the algorithm improvement.
On Using Sitara AM335x Starter Kit to achieve basic applications based on Linux operating system
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S MISCHIE, R PAZSITKA ABSTRACT Recently, Texas Instruments has been presented the new Sitara AM335x Starter Kit (short, AM335x SK) system. This device is based on an AM3358 ARM processor and it can be used by either a Linux operating system or an Android operating system. Also the
Security Evaluation of the Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT Linux is an open source operating system that has gained much popularity. More and more people are using it for a variety of tasks. However, due to its open source nature, how secure is Linux? And are these people just setting themselves up for an attack?
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S Battigelli, A Farronato, C Mazariegos , In a period when the market for mobile devices is changing and moving towards convergence of multiple products into one single device, it is time for the big players in all related industries to reconsider their strategy to capture more of the value that
Using the Linux Operating System to Illustrate Message Digest Concepts and Vulnerabilities
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R Sultanov, D Guster, P Safonov , ABSTRACT There are many ways to help insure file integrity, but one of the most common is the application of a message digest algorithm. A message digest is a fixed string number which represents that file uniquely. It is widely believed that Information Technology students
Intellectual Property Rights and Intellectual Property Left-The Case of the Operating System Linux
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S NUSS, L HELLER , ABSTRACT The starting point of this presentation will be the Property Rights Theory. The Property Rights Theory will be presented as the fundamental principle of private ownership in market economies and also as the fundamental principle of Intellectual Property Rights.
QoS in the Linux Operating System
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This document describes a main part of the implementation of our QoS architecture, which has been developed in the context of our UNIQuE project . In order to achieve an end-to- end support for quality of service, our approach bases on feedback loops as proposed in [
Analysis and Implementation of Cluster Computing Using Linux Operating System
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ABSTRACT Cluster computing is one of the most interesting innovations in the field of parallel computing in the recent past. Due to record low prices on hardware and the availability of free, open source software, massive amounts of computing power are available to the
Using of free operating system LINUX at special boarding school ? 4 for children with disabilities in Monchegorsk city
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ABSTRACT This article sums up experience of Monchegorsk special (correctional) secondary boarding school# 4 in use of free operational system Linux that is currently the only alternative to Windows OS from Microsoft.
Migration from a Real-Time Operating System to Embedded Linux
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ABSTRACT Many embedded systems today are built around off-the-shelf components which are both fast and inexpensive. With every new generation of components, performance increases and the price/performance ratio decreases. The extra amount of resources
An Application Centric Performance Evaluation of the Linux 2.6 Operating System
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DA Heger, SK Johnson, M Anand, M Peloquin , ABSTRACT Over the last several years, the Linux operating system has gained rapid acceptance in many scientific and commercial environments as the operating system of choice. The Linux operating system is being utilized in rather vast and distinct server
The MOSIX Cluster Operating System for Distributed Computing on Linux Clusters, Multi-Clusters and Clouds
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OVERVIEW MOSIX1 is a cluster operating system that provides users and applications with the impression of running on a single computer with multiple processors (single-system image). For example, in a MOSIX cluster users can run applications that create multiple
Linux: An Operating System Alternative
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C Beier , Linux is a computer operating system which is freely available to anyone who wants to use it. Long considered too complex for the average computer user recent Linux product developments make it a feasible option for a moderately savvy computer user. This paper
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C Vasile , ABSTRACT The rapid evolution in recent years in all areas of activity has led to the widespread use of computers and automatic processing technologies of data and information. By connecting to the Internet there is also the possibility of an exchange of information
A survey on implementation of a Linux-based operating system using LFS method
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ABSTRACT In recent years, the movement of open-source software and on top of them Linux open-source and free operating system has attracted the attention of many specialists, governments, organizations, etc. so that the biggest software companies such as Google,
These documents were produced using LaTeX under the kubuntu 7.04 Linux operating system on a Compaq Presario AMD 64 system. I have redone all the
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The Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) has been developed at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, California, under the sponsorship of the Naval Ocean Systems Center and the Air Force Weapons Laboratory. It is an advanced version of the
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ABSTRACT Affordable local language software will play a crucial role in the process of taking the benefits of" information revolution" to the marginalized sections of society. The objective of this project is to develop a console-based local language interface for the
Linux: The operating system of the cloud
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After struggling to reach mainstream status in the technology world for years, utility computing may yet arrive in the coming quarters. This time around, however, it will be known as cloud computing. And when cloud computing does cross the chasm into mainstream
Operating System Noise: Linux vs. Microkernel
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ABSTRACT Computers are often used as a tool to measure time in various experiments. Benchmarking and hardware performance evaluation are very common examples. There one typically needs to measure the duration of certain computer operation. The precision
Desktop Migration, Mark R. Hinkle. Linux has established itself as the fastest growing server plat-form and is poised to become dable desktop operating system. Yet
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O Unified , The author explores the advantages of the Linux desktop and forewarns of the possible pitfalls associated with a Linux migration. The book focuses on four main points: explaining the factors involved in a Windows to Linux migration; advising IT managers on data
SeeCure: An Implmentation of Trusted Operating System on Linux Kernel
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HC KimÝ, W ShinÝÞ, RS RamakrishnaÝ, K Sakurai , ABSTRACT Conventional access control schemes have been supported confidentiality and integrity reflecting the required organizational security policy in operating systems. However many program runtime attacks in operating systems involve behavioral semantics, ie
Operating System Process Management and the Effect on Maintenance: A Comparison ofLinux, FreeBSD, and Darwin
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ABSTRACT Process management is one of the most important and relevant tasks in operating system design. In this paper, we investigate the process management in Linux, FreeBSD, and Darwin. We compare the data structures used to represent process and the
Design a Mobile Robot Operating on Linux Operational System for Educational Purposes
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T Van NGO, DH NGUYEN , ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and implementation of a mobile robot which can be controlled on Linux using Player-like library with client/server mechanism. The user program acts as a client which interfaces with the motor and sensors via a server. The
linux file systems performance on solid state drive
High performance solid state storage under linux
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Most commonly, Linux systems access data only through standard filesystem modules that make full use of the buffer can request non-buffered I/O using the O_DIRECT option when opening files, but this to the kernel about the desired caching/buffering behavior of their file I/O
Understanding intrinsic characteristics and system implications of flash memory based solid state drives
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block devices to avoid interference from the OS kernel, such as the buffer cache and the file system. storage devices in de- tail, we use blktrace , which comes with the Linux 2.6 kernel Note that such a full status remains unchanged thereafter, even if users delete files or format
Comparing performance of solid state devices and mechanical disks
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however, might be a difficult property for a user to correctly associate with files, suggesting a Piernas and S. Faibish, Dualfs: A new journaling file system for linux, in Linux Storage and Flash Storage, in FAST'08: Proceedings of the 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage
Hystor: making the best use of solid state drives in high performance storage systems
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In order to avoid intrusive system changes, we take a conservative approach to leverage the information In the Linux kernel, metadata blocks are tagged such that an I/O scheduler can improve So far, this mechanism is used by some file systems (eg Ext2/Ext3) for meta- data
Disk schedulers for solid state drivers
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Keywords Solid State Drive, Disk scheduler, Linux, Implementation Study. decades, the magnetic disk has been the most popular storage device in computer systems, and its elevator algorithm to minimize head movement . Another example is the Fast File System (FFS) that
Dfs: A file system for virtualized flash storage
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DFS has two main novel features. First, it lays out its files directly in a very large virtual storage address space provided by FusionIO's virtual flash storage layer. We further show that DFS is simple and performs better than the popular Linux ext3 file system. 3.1 Existing vs.
Write amplification analysis in flash-based solid state drives
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garbage collection. Kawaguchi et al. [7] showed that in a flash-based log-structured file system garbage collection has a significant impact on performance when utilization is high. for log-structured file systems as a func- tion of disk utilization.
Query processing techniques for solid state drives
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perform a similar study using less sophisti- cated benchmarks, but focus on the behavior of filesystems running on top of SSDs. We used an MTron 32GB SSD, the performance characteristics of which are presented in Table 1, formatted with the Linux ext2 file-system.
CAFTL: A Content-Aware Flash Translation Layer Enhancing the Lifespan of Flash Memory based Solid State Drives.
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Data Duplication is Common In file systems data duplication is very common. For ex- ample, kernel developers can have multiple versions of Linux source code for different projects. Users can cre- ate/delete the same files multiple times.
Essential roles of exploiting internal parallelism of flash memory based solid state drives in high-speed data processing
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. home directories (/home). We use Fedora Core 9 with the Linux Kernel 2.6.27 and Ext3 file system. PCI-E based flash devices (eg Fusion-io's ioDrive [11]) are designed for special-purpose systems with a different structure [17].
A performance evaluation of scientific i/o workloads on flash-based ssds
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installed the default Linux file system ext3 on all three drives. However, the Flash blocks occupied by the said file will go unaffected. The file system must also maintain metadata and journal data about itself and its files. [20] Iozone file system benchmark,
FlashLogging: exploiting flash devices for synchronous logging performance
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journal) can be used to guarantee the durability of file I/O operations in file systems [26], and it have investigated the use of flash devices in various aspects of data management systems formed on a PowerEdge 1955 blade server using the block device interface on Linux.
FRASH: Hierarchical file system for FRAM and Flash
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We compare the performance of FRASH file system with YAFFS. FRASH file system is currently implemented on Linux 2.4 and SMDK 2440 reference board. files/sec YAFFS FRASH Fig. Page 14. FRASH: Hierarchical File System for FRAM and Flash 251
Can High-Performance Interconnects Benefit Hadoop Distributed File System
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Software that drives InfiniBand and 10Gigabit Ethernet also works on mainline Linux kernels. Files in HDFS are split into smaller blocks, typically 64MB, and each block is stored as an independent file in the local file system of DataNodes.
Empirical Analysis on Energy Efficiency of Flash-based SSDs.
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It uses the direct I/O interface provided by the Linux kernel to measure throughput without different hardware configurations to the various atomic operations and the combination of filesystems and workloads. In 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (2008).
FAST: Quick Application Launch on Solid-State Drives.
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We used Blktrace [3], a built-in Linux kernel I/O-tracing tool that monitors the details of I/O behavior for However, building such a map of the entire file system is time-consuming and impractical because a file system, in general, contains tens of thousands of files and their
Transactional Flash.
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and checkpointing combine to reduce the run time by as much as around 65% (for TPC-B). However, Linux-build is In Proceedings of the 7th symposium on Operating systems design and
Modeling and simulating flash based solid-state disks for operating systems
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work that focuses on the OS aspects of SSDs includes design of Flash file-systems [8, 12 Models give insights and intuition into behavior of system components and can save a lot of a block device with the standard 512-byte sec- tors so that unmodified files systems can run on
The pitfalls of deploying solid-state drive RAIDs
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As a result, the current Linux software RAID implementation can be optimized for mirrored SSD This, however, is under control of operating systems file system driver and de- pends on the we concentrate on the block layer to eliminate the dependency on filesystems and to
Bluessd: an open platform for cross-layer experiments for nand flash-based ssds
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For example, the file system may flag files that it believes will com- press well. The full BlueSSD system makes use of a produc- tion Linux file system and a full FTL. To ease the task of hard- ware designer, we provide multiple debugging systems of varying functionality and
Black-box performance modeling for solid-state drives
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with an Intel Atom dual-core 1.6GHz processor, 2GB memory, and Linux kernel 2.6. ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, 1998, pp. E. Zadok, N. Joukov, and C. Wright, A nine year study of file system and storage
Large Block CLOCK (LB-CLOCK): A write caching algorithm for solid state disks
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A cache simulator is implemented as a stand alone tool in C language on the Linux platform Trace: We use Diskmon utility [35] from Microsoft to gather disk writes on NTFS file system while installing MP3 Files Copy Trace: We copy over 4GB of MP3 files to an empty 80GB empty
Extending SSD Lifetimes with Disk-Based Write Caches.
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device, which is much more tractable in practice, it becomes quite difficult to make use of overwrite-locality lacking file system-level and For example, for the frequently overwritten files, only an average of 21% of the written data is read within 900 seconds of Table 4: Linux Traces
Umbrella File system: Storage management across heterogeneous devices
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We present the design and results from a prototype implementation of UmbrellaFS on both Linux 2.4 and 2.6. Current file systems map files to devices based on the namespace organiza- tions Typically, a file system's data is mapped to a fixed set of devices based on the way the
Differentiated storage services
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We present prototypes for Linux Ext3 and Windows NTFS, where I/O is classified as metadata, journal, directory, or file in the mid- dle of a disk drive to minimize the average seek distance [37], files are often created close to their parent directories, and file and directory data
Functional partitioning to optimize end-to-end performance on many-core architectures
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be done in a similar way as in existing storage aggregation systems [46]–[48]. checkpointing for fault tolerance does not require keeping all checkpoints: typically files are overwritten However, writing checkpoints to secondary storage supported via a parallel file system may still
Prototyping a high-performance low-cost solid-state disk
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prototype is implemented in software, using simulated NAND flash chips that store information in files. a kernel mod- ule that modifies the behaviour of the SCSI disk driver in Linux. uses a similar nameless writing scheme for the interface between the file-system layer and block
RS-Wrapper: random write optimization for solid state drive
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The kernel version is Linux-2.6.23. 5.2 File System Benchmarks FileBench[2] is a framework of workload for measuring file sys- tem performance. In our experiments, the number of files is set 50,000, 50,000 and 25,000 for creatfiles, deletefiles and copyfiles respectively. [HTML]
Anatomy of a solid-state drive.
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File systems and applications need to be rewritten to take true advantage of the performance and benefits Linux has done the most work on optimizing scheduling for SSDs. The operating system has tunables for turning off I/O coalescing and locality-based scheduling heuristics
HeteroDrive: Re-shaping the storage access pattern of oltp workload using ssd
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6. REFERENCES blktrace(8) linux man page.
Flashlite: A user-level library to enhance durability of ssd for p2p file sharing
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now [3], and it is easy and efficient to download a huge Linux distribution with On the other hand, eMule writes several files(both downloading file and meta files) during the and JK Ousterhout, The design and implementation of a log-structured file system, ACM Transactions on
Write Endurance in Flash Drives: Measurements and Analysis.
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of storage, such as the file alloca- tion table (FAT) in MSDOS-derived file systems. Having examined performance of NAND flash itself, we next turn to systems comprising both Reverse- engineering was performed by issuing specific logical operations from a Linux USB host (by
The fundamental limit of flash random write performance: Understanding, analysis andperformance modelling
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file sys- tems. Most Flash-aware files systems are inspired by the log- structured file system, which performs out-of-place write on HDDs [44]. Examples are FFS [26], JFFS for Linux [51], TFFS [19], and YAFFS [38]. A survey on