Software engineering projectmanagement.
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COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM tage for many years. The imposition of new methods, standards, and techniques disrupts their job satisfaction and productivity. Producers can be crucial tosoftwaredevelopment projects. On the minus side,
Special Feature The Challenge ofSoftware Engineering ProjectManagement
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Although both the technological and managerial aspects ofsoftware engineeringwere recognized at about the same time,2 improvements and developments in management have not kept pace with advances in the technology. The technology ofsoftware This study is one in a series of investigations intosoftwareand hardwareengineeringbased mainly upon the observation of four projects developing photocopying technology.~ Our general interest in this paper is in the work ofsoftware engineering with howsoftware
An overview of thesoftware engineeringprocess and tools in the Mozillaproject
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Abstract The MozillaProjectis an Open SourceSoftware projectwhich is dedicated to development of the Mozilla Web browser and application framework. Possessing one of the largest and most complex communities of developers among Open Source projects, it
An empirical assessment ofprojectduration models insoftware engineering
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ABSTRACT Many parametric models based on estimates ofprojecteffort have been proposed in the literature to predict the duration ofsoftwaredevelopment projects. Among these, COCOMO has received wide attention. A comparison of the duration estimates
Case Study: SITINA-ASoftware Engineering ProjectUsing Evolutionary Prototyping
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a case study based on a complexsoftware engineering projectthat took place in a Portuguese SME, Small to Medium sized Enterprise. Our initial goal was to evaluate and adaptSoftware Engineeringtheory to the reality of SMEs, usually
Teachingsoftware engineeringusingprojectbased learning
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Abstract We account for the restructuring of asoftware engineeringcourse using the principles ofprojectbased learning. Building asoftwareproduct is a team effort that, besides specialized knowledge, involves non-technical skills such as the ability to communicate, to work as a
Cooperativeprojectbased learning in a web-basedsoftware engineeringcourse
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ABSTRACT Even in self-organizedprojectbased learning, the instructors role re-mains critical, especially in the initial orientation provided to the students in order to grasp the educational goals and the various roles they may undertake to achieve them. In this paper
Improving learning and soft skills usingProjectOriented Learning insoftware engineeringcourses
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Abstract. We present a study that identifies student behavior, development of soft skills and learning improvement during aprojectorientedsoftware engineeringcourse at the B. Sc. Level. Assessment of behaviour characterized as soft skills and knowledge when students
Design and assessment of web-based learning environments: The smartengineering projectand the instructionalsoftwaredevelopment center at UMR
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Abstract We present a framework for web-based learning design, which consists of seven basic components: directionality, usability, consistency, interactivity, multi-modality, adaptability, and accountability. We propose that effective design begins with a clear
Teaching globalsoftware engineeringand internationalprojectmanagement
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Abstract: As part of the ongoing globalization process,softwareis no longer developed by a sole enterprise which is based at one single location only. In turn, distributedengineering teams are continuously modifyingsoftwareby bringing in their local knowledge and country-
Theprojectmatrix: A model forsoftware engineering projectmanagement
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Abstract TheProjectMatrix is aprojectmanagement model of asoftwaredevelopment project . This model requires no special resources other than those normally assigned to a softwaredevelopmentprojectand has proved to be effective in coordinating the work of
Concurrentsoftware engineering project
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Executive Summary Concurrentengineeringor overlapping activities is a business strategy for schedule compression on large development projects. Design parameters and tasks from every aspect of a products development process and their interdependencies are
The GOODSTEPproject : General object-oriented database forsoftware engineeringprocesses
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The goal of the GOODSTEPprojectis to enhance and improve the functionality of a fully object-oriented database management system to yield a platform suited for applications such assoftwaredevelopment environments (SDEs). The baseline of theprojectis the O2
Incorporation of Agile Development Methodology into a CapstoneSoftware Engineering ProjectCourse
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Abstract This paper describes the authors experience in transitioning an undergraduate capstonesoftware engineering projectcourse from a traditional waterfall format to a modern agile development methodology. The agile approach replaces the sequential, and
Driving and hindering forces in group discussions: Analyzing change and sustain talk in asoftware engineering project
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In our study, we measured the individual language parameters of 65 participants (in 13 teams) during an early meeting of asoftware engineering project . The participants took part in a sixmonths-course that simulated an industryproject .
A cross-disciplinarysoftware engineering projectimplemented as a web service
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Abstract-Semantic Web Services and Grids have come of age and are ripe for supporting specific scientific application areas. This paper describes an undergraduate course in Software Engineeringat the University of Texas-Pan American that demonstrates a
IEEE-CS/ACM computing curriculumsoftware engineeringvolumeproject
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TheSoftware EngineeringVolume is part of the IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curriculum effort that began in the Fall of 1998 when individuals from the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM formed a Steering Committee and began work on the Computer Science Volume. This
A strategy for stakeholder management on an enterprise-widesoftware engineering project
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Abstract The Los Alamos National Laboratorys (LANLs) EnterpriseProjectthe implementation of a commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to replace the homegrown business computing systems in use since the early 1980s provides
MEnSAProjectMethodologies for theEngineeringof complexSoftwaresystems: Agent-based approach
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Abstract In this deliverable we present an initial version of the MEnSA integrated meta- model together with the methodological approach we used to devise the meta-model. The meta-model incorporates concepts from four agentoriented methodologies: Gaia, PASSI,
Negotiated assessment criteria and peer assessment insoftware engineeringgroupprojectwork: A case study
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The core second level course inSoftware Engineeringfor Computer Science students at the University of Kent (UKC) has, for many years, included a substantial design-and-build group projectcomponent. In recent years, this has been enhanced to address a number of issues
Software EngineeringMethods for Parallel Applications in Scientific ComputingProjectSEMPA
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Abstract SEMPA is an interdisciplinaryprojectthat brings together researchers from computer science, mechanicalengineeringand numerical analysis. Its central objective is to definesoftware engineeringmethods for the parallelization of existing large scalesoftware
A View on a Successful International EducationalProjectinSoftware Engineering .
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Abstract In this paper, a successful and fruitful jointprojectwill be presented. Theproject joins participants from 9 countries and from 15 universities. Since it started in 2001, this projectentitled Software Engineering : Computer Science Education and Research
Agile Methods forSoftware EngineeringStudentsProject : A Proposed Hybrid Methodology
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ABSTRACT Agile methods principles and practices are nowadays becoming more and more useful in thesoftwareindustry. For mostsoftware engineeringstudents, traditional softwaredevelopment methods have been a core part of their development processes.
A model-driven multi-year assessment of asoftwaredevelopmentprojectforengineeringinstruction
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1. Abstract This paper is a review of a series of evaluation studies that were utilized to inform and evaluate a large scale instructionalsoftwaredevelopmentprojectat the university of Missouri Rolla entitledTaking the Next Step inEngineeringEducation: Integrating
Identification, Categorization and Weighting ofSoftware EngineeringAttributes for Quality Evaluation ofSoftware ProjectDocumentation
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Software projectdocumentation is an editorial whose intention is to converse information about thesoftwaresystem. An elementary objective ofsoftware
Software engineeringproblems encountered by capstoneprojectteams
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Capstone projects are a common part ofengineeringeducation. In a capstoneproject learning takes place mainly through solving problems during theproject . Therefore, understanding what problems the capstoneprojectteams encounter increases
The SWEBOKProject : Guide to thesoftware engineeringbody of knowledge
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The IEEE Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery are working on a jointprojectto develop a Guide to theSoftware EngineeringBody Of Knowledge (SWEBOK) 1. Articulating a body of knowledge is an essential step toward developing a profession
Software EngineeringGraduateProjectEffort Analysis Report
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Abstract: In the graduate courses CSCI577ab, graduate students applysoftware engineeringmethodologies, processes, procures, and models to managesoftware development. This report analyzes their activities and effort distribution from fall 2001 to
Teaching Requirements Analysis: A StudentProjectFramework to Bridge the Gap between Business Analysis andSoftware Engineering .
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AbstractTeaching requirements analysis to computer science and information system students raises a number of challenges. One of the most critical is the gap between skills needed to deal withsoftwarerequirements and those necessary to grasp the business
Construction of Bayesian Networks for Risk Assessment ofSoftware Projectby KnowledgeEngineering
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AbstractThesoftware projectmanagement is an important factor that affects the success of thesoftware project . One of the prominent causes of failure insoftwareprojects issoftware projectmanagement problems. The uncertainty in delay, cost overrun, etc. and damage
Software engineering projectmanagement
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Neil Sandford Putting People Before Computers, London, UK. This is one of a series of subject guides published by the University. We regret that due to pressure of work the authors are unable to enter into any correspondence relating to, or arising from, the guide. If
The Integration of Transferable/Lifelong Learning Skills into a GroupSoftware Engineering Project
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Abstract With the current lobbying for more general education for engineers by UK Industry and the Government, every effort needs to be made to be creative in the application of key skills to core curriculum activities. The professional bodies overseeingengineeringdegree
State of the Survey on Team-basedSoftware Engineering ProjectCourse.
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Abstract It is recognized importance of team-basedsoftware engineeringeducation in these days, and lots of case studies have been reported. This paper describes a comparative study on team-basedsoftware engineeringeducation. We propose three perspectives (team
Research of a Statistical Process Control inSoftware Engineering Project
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The research was based on the information of an IT related division of a large state company. The subject of the research was internalsoftwareproduct developmentproject started in 1997 and based on DBMS Oracle platform. Data model has a very complex
Projectoriented Reuse Approaches: Copy-and-Paste orSoftwareProduct LineEngineering
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Abstract:Softwarereuse plays a crucial role insoftwaredevelopment especially in the context of embedded systems, because functions and goals of established systems often do not change in contrast to technology, system architecture, and market demands. Although
Software projectmanagement: new analysis of specificengineeringand management processes in modern graphical printing industry production
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Abstract: Proper and effectiveSoftware ProjectManagement (SPM) is usually the most important factor in the outcome of aprojectfor many companies inmodern graphical printing industry production (MGPIP) and theirprojectengineers and managers. Article
A Research Framework for EmpiricalSoftware EngineeringCollaboration and Its Application in aSoftwareDevelopmentProject
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Abstract To demonstrate and verify empiricalsoftware engineeringmethods, a new research framework was developed in response to government policy in Japan. This framework was adapted to a governmentsoftwaredevelopmentproject which is currently in detailed
Softwaresystems for the integration of documentaryengineeringwithin a constructionproject
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Abstract Numerous documents of diverse nature are involved in the construction process. Some of them such as building codes, examples of technical solutions, computation rules, define the legal context of aproject . Others like technical specification documents or bills of
Introducing a Street Fair Open Source Practice withinProjectBasedSoftware EngineeringCourses
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Columbia University and USC, as well as many other universities, havesoftware engineeringcourses where students work in small teams to develop a product of moderate complexity. Typically such efforts areclosed sourcewhere teams do not (or are forbidden)
A taxonomy of organizational alternatives forprojectorientedsoftware engineeringcourses
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Abstract Industrialsoftwaredevelopment today requires a fundamentalsoftware engineering education as well as the ability to work productively and collaboratively in a team environment. In order to produce graduates possessing the skills necessary to succeed in
AdoptingProjectBased Learning (PBL) as an Alternative Method to TeachSoftware Engineering
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Abstract:Software engineeringis a capstone course for students in final year Computer Science department at University of Benin. The course is a practicsal course and it aims to educate new generation managers, planners, analysts and programmers in the promise and
Scrum asProjectManagement in aSoftware EngineeringClassroom Setting
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The purpose of thisprojecthas been to assess whether or not the Scrum process, aniterative incremental framework for managing complex work 1 insoftware engineering can be used successfully in a classroom setting. Due to the nature of this being
ProjectManagement Metrics in the Age of GlobalSoftware Engineering
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Abstract Globalization has long since found its way intosoftware engineering . Companies transfer part of their development activities to low wage countries in order to achieve a better cost position, get access to local markets and react to the prevailing lack of specialized
AProjectTeam Building Model for Term Projects ofSoftware EngineeringCourses
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Abstract This paper proposes a new model for team building, which enables teachers to build coherent teams rapidly and fairly for the term projects ofsoftware engineeringcourses. Moreover, the model can also be used to build teams for any type ofproject if the team
WatchManproject : Computer aidedsoftware engineeringapplied to HEP analysis code building for LHC
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A lot of code written for high-level data analysis has many similar parts like environment setup, reading out the data of given input files, data selection, object selections, calculation of basic physical quantities and the output of the analysis results. Moreover nowadays the
The SageProject :Software Engineeringfor Distributed Applications
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Abstract This paper describes Sage, a researchprojectinsoftware engineeringfor (fault- tolerant) distributed applications that assists programmers write correct, e cient code. Speci cally, Sage uses the modal logic of knowledge and applies theoretical results detailing how
Modeling the Impact onProjectCost and Schedule ofSoftware EngineeringPractices for Achieving and AssessingSoftwareQuality Factors
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Quality is an issue on which many companies and researchers in different domains ar focusing in the90s. As Grady shows, quality is vital for the competitiveness in todays world. How can we know if we have achieved quality We want to build quality in from the
ExaminingSoftwareDesign Projects in a First-YearEngineeringCourse: How Assigning an Open-Ended GameProjectImpacts Student Experience
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Abstract Courses that teach programming often include largesoftwaredesign projects intended to synthesize the elements learned in the class. Asoftwaredesignprojecthas been used at a large public university in the first-yearengineeringhonors course to practice
Transforming electric power systemsengineeringeducation in Nigeria via an indigenous R-basedsoftware project
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ABSTRACT This paper presents propositions towards the transformation of electrical power systemengineeringeducation in Nigerias tertiary institutions based on the adoption of a home-grownsoftware projectwhose development is inspired by the inadequacies
systems capstone designprojectand associated simulationsoftwaredesigned to meet the changing needs of the electrical power industry andengineering
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Before reading this document it may be helpful for the reader to know the assumptions I have made that inform the following chapters. My first assumption is this: that there is a strong interrelationship between differing subject areas. What I mean is that whether one is
A Dual Approach toSoftware Engineering ProjectCourses
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Abstract In the e ort to produce knowledgeablesoftwareengineers who have some practical experience, the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF) has adopted a dual approach to software engineeringeducation. The approach includes two courses each of which
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ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the pedagogical issues in monitoring, documenting, and evaluating team-orientedsoftware engineeringprojects in a rst course in soware engineeringin a computer science program. Instead of evaluating the nishedprojectat the
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ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the pedagogical issues in monitoring, documenting, and evaluating team-orientedsoftware engineeringprojects in a rst course in soware engineeringin a computer science program. lnstead of evaluating the nishedprojectat the
Learning Support by Reflection and Knowledge Collaboration in a Team-basedSoftware Engineering ProjectCourse-Position paper
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AbstractSoftwaredevelopment is a highly knowledge-intensive and collaborative activity. Problem resolution processes are performed iteratively duringsoftwaredevelopment. We propose a learning model that is based on reflection and knowledge collaboration for
A Product Line ofSoftware Engineering ProjectCourses
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The MESSEP approach offers to instructors a product-line approach to SEprojectcourses allowing to derive its own course in an efficient way. Our approach is illustrated using several courses that we designed and performed in different universities and at different
CO600 GroupSoftware Engineering Project
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Abstract This paper presents the technical side of the AnimJ3Dproject . The mainproject goal was to produce an interactive learning environment for the Java3D API. Initial research revealed that there was a niche to be filled in combining Java3D learning resources into a
SIF8094,Software EngineeringProjectNovember 2001 COTSSoftwareEvaluation and Integration issues
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Abstract This report begins with a survey of COTS evaluation and integration state-of-the-art. Selected parts of the state-of-the-art form the base for our approach to a COTS-based development process. The aim of the process is to identify a combination of COTS products
Software Engineering ProjectCOMP8790 College ofEngineeringand Computer Science The Australian National University
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Abstract Creating own commodity currency over the internet is not a new thing. In fact every online games has their own currency which some can be used for exchanging national currency legally while others illegally among users. In thisproject we are looking into the
STAGEProject( SoftwareTraceability and Accountability for Globalsoftware Engineering )-A Purchaser-Centered Approach for EmpiricalSoftware Engineering
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Abstract This paper describes on overview of a new empiricalsoftware engineering project named STAGE ( SoftwareTraceability and Accountability for Globalsoftware Engineering ). In the STAGEproject we utilize empirical data fromsoftwaredevelopment to ensure the -SOFTWARE SALES SERVICE-