software testing research paper
software testing is the process of identifying the correctness and quality of software program. The purpose is to check whether the software satisfies the specific requirements, needs and expectations of the customer. it is a process of executing a - program or application with the intent - of finding the software bugs. It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program - or application or product: Meets the business and technical requirements that guided it's design and development.
Application of genetic algorithm in software testing
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AbstractThis paper presents a method for optimizing software testing efficiency by identifying the most critical path clusters in a program. We do this by developing variable length Genetic Algorithms that optimize and select the software path clusters which are
A survey of new trends in symbolic execution for software testing and analysis
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AbstractSymbolic execution is a well-known program analysis technique which represents program inputs with symbolic values instead of concrete, initialized, data and executes the program by manipulating program expressions involving the symbolic values. Symbolic
Automated software testing using model-checking
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AbstractWhite-box testing allows developers to determine whether or not a program is partially consistent with its specified behavior and design through the examination of intermediate values of variables during program execution. These intermediate values are
Software testing
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Abstract : Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results.[Hetzel88] Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by programmers and testers, software testing
Applying formal methods to software testing
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AbstractThis thesis examines applying formal methods to software testing . Software testing is a critical phase of the software life-cycle which can be very e ective if performed rigorously. Formal speci cations o er the bases for rigorous testing practices. Not
A characterisation schema for software testing techniques
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One of the major problems within the software testing area is how to get a suitable set of cases to test a software system. This set should assure maximum effectiveness with the least possible number of test cases. There are now numerous testing techniques available for
Software testing and reliability
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It is believed that there is an important relationship between the estimation of reliability of a program, its structure, and the amount of testing it has been subjected to. Though one can imagine several ways of quantifying the amount of testing , we consider one or more
Stochastic software testing
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AbstractThis paper presents a method for test case selection that allows a formal approach to testing software . The two main ideas are (1) that testers create stochastic models of software behavior instead of crafting individual test cases and (2) that specific test cases are
The theory and practice of specification based software testing
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AbstractIn this thesis my aim is to examine the common ground between formal methods and testing , and the benefits the two fields bring to one another. All too often they are regarded as mutually exclusive approaches in the development of software systems. The
Software testing
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Testing is an important, mandatory part of software development; it is a technique for evaluating product quality and also for indirectly improving it, by identifying defects and problems. As more extensively discussed in the Software Quality chapter of the Guide to the
Software product line testing
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Abstract : Software product lines constitute a new paradigm where industrial production techniques are adapted and applied to software development. Reuse and the maintenance of traceability between the different artefacts in the line are fundamental requirements in this Formal specifications become more and more important in the development of software , especially but not only in the area of high integrity system design. In this paper it is demonstrated, how, apart from the specification phase, further benefits may be drawn from
Different forms of software testing techniques for finding errors
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AbstractSoftware testing is an activity which is aimed for evaluating an attribute or capability of a program and ensures that it meets the required result. There are many approaches to software testing , but effective testing of complex product is essentially a process of
Software testing best practices
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Abstract : This report lists 28 best practices that contribute to improved software testing . They are not necessarily related to software test tools. Some may have associated tools but they are fundamentally practice. The collections represent practices that several experienced
Improved techniques for software testing based on Markov chain usage models
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In statistical testing of software all possible uses of the software , at some level ofAbstract ion, are represented by a statistical model wherein each possible use of the software has an associated probability of occurrence [16]. Test cases are drawn from the sample population
Software testing methods and techniques
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30 Software Testing Methods and Techniques Jovanovic, IrenaAbstractIn this paper main testing methods and techniques are shortly described. General classification is outlined: two testing methods black box testing and white box testing , and their frequently used
Testing object-oriented software using the category-partition method
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AbstractWhen migrating from conventional to object-oriented programming, developers face di cult decisions in modifying their development process to best use the new technology. In particular, ensuring that the software is highly reliable in this new environment poses
Software testing techniques and strategies
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AbstractThis paper describes Software testing , need for software testing , Software testing goals and principles. Further it describe about different Software testing techniques and different software testing strategies. Finally it describes the difference between software
Software testing research and practice
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The paper attempts to provide a comprehensive view of the field of software testing . The objective is to put all the relevant issues into a unified context, although admittedly the overview is biased towards my own research and expertise. In view of the vastness of the
Using evolutionary testing to improve efficiency and quality in software testing
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AbstractThe development of embedded systems is an essential industrial activity. More than 90% of all electronic components manufactured are used in embedded systems, eg in aerospace technology; railway and motor vehicle technology; process and automation
Towards a Reference Architecture for Software Testing Tools.
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AbstractProducing high quality software systems has been one of the most important software development concerns. Software testing is recognized as a fundamental activity for assuring software quality; however, it is an expensive, errorprone, and time consuming
Towards the Establishment of an Ontology of Software Testing .
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AbstractA growing interest on the establishment of ontologies has been observed for the most different knowledge domains. This work presents OntoTest an ontology of software testing , which has been developed to support acquisition, organization, reuse and sharing of
An Innovative Approach to Investigate Various Software Testing Techniques and Strategies
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AbstractSoftware testing is a way of finding errors from the system. It helps us to identify and debug mistakes, errors, faults and failures of a system. There are many techniques and strategies emerged since the concept of software development emerged. The aim of testing
Obstacles and opportunities for model-based testing in an industrial software environment
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AbstractThe complexity of modern software projects is increasing, and traditional, hand- crafted test suites have become unwieldy and fragile. Model-based testing can provide a tremendous increase in testing capability, but modeling technology must be integrated into
Software testing techniques
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Abstract : Software testing provides a means to reduce errors, cut maintenance and overall software costs. Numerous software development and testing methodologies, tools, and techniques have emerged over the last few decades promising to enhance software
A software debugging method based on pairwise testing
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AbstractPairwise testing is one of very practical and effective testing methods for various types of software systems. This paper proposes a novel debugging method based on pairwise testing . By analyzing the test cases and retesting with some complementary test
Challenges in exploiting architectural models for software testing
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AbstractSoftware architectural modeling offers a natural framework for designing and analyzing modern large-scale software systems and for composing systems from reusable off the shelf components. However, the nature of component based software presents AbstractThe topic of software architecture (SA) based testing has recently raised some interest. Recent work on the topic has used the SA as a reference model for code conformance testing , to check if an implementation fulfills (conforms to) its specification at
Software testing
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It gives us a immense pleasure to introduce our First Edition of book onSoftware Testing strictly based on the revised syllabus of Mumbai University. The book is written in a user- friendly language to make it easy and effortless for the students to seize the subject
Software testing techniques
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Software testing is as old as the hills in the history of digital computers. The testing of software is an important means of assessing the software to determine its quality. Since testing typically consumes 40~ 50% of development efforts, and consumes more effort for
A comprehensive survey of trends in oracles for software testing
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Abstract Testing involves examining the behaviour of a system in order to discover potential faults. Determining the desired correct behaviour for a given input is called the oracle problem . Oracle automation is important to remove a current bottleneck which
Gridunit: Using the computational grid to speed up software testing
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AbstractSoftware testing practices can improve software reliability. This is a fact that the long history of disasters caused by poorly tested software should not allow us to forget. However, as software grows, its test suite becomes larger and its execution time may
Software testinggoals, principles, and limitations
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AbstractSoftware testing is an activity which is aimed for evaluating quality of a program and also for improving it, by identifying defects and problems. Software testing strives for achieving its goals (both implicit and explicit) but it does have certain limitations, still testing
Software Testing
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Introduction to testingNeed of testingSoftware development lifeDifferent Models of SDLC o V-Model o Fish Model o Waterfall Model o Agile ModelExtreme Program (XP)ScrumFeature Driver Development (FDD)Dynamic system development method (DSDM)Agile Unified Process
Predicting Accumulated Faults in Software Testing Process Using Radial Basis Function Network Models.
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Abstract -In this paper we propose the idea of building a new software reliability models using Radial Basis Function (RBF) network. The RBF network is easy to design and the network structure can be represented in a simple mathematical equation. Our goal is to build
Software Reliability Growth modeling with New modified Weibull testingeffort and optimal release policy
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AbstractIn software development life cycle, software testing is one of the most important tasks; and in the testing , software reliably is very important aspect for any category of software systems. A number of testing -effort functions for software reliability growth model AbstractExperimental work in software testing has generally focused on evaluating the effectiveness and effort requirements of various coverage criteria. The important issue of testing efficiency has not been sufficiently addressed. In this paper, we describe an
Integrating software testing and run-time checking in an assertion verification framework.
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AbstractWe present a framework that unifies unit testing and runtime verification (as well as static verification and static debugging). A key contribution of our overall approach is that we preserve the use of a unified assertion language for all of these tasks. We first describe a
The MOTHRA Software Testing Environment
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AbstractThe value of software testing in the development of large software systems is well-documented. Unfortunately, the development and employment of an integrated test plan is often avoided due to the costs associated with testing . These costs include more than
Automatic Software structural testing by using Evolutionary Algorithms for test data generations
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Summary Software testing is an important activity of the software development process. It is a critical element of software quality assurance. Structural-oriented test methods which define test cases on the basis of internal program structure are widely used. Evolutionary
A survey of UML-based coverage criteria for software testing
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Abstract : The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard notation that can be used to model object oriented software systems. With the growing adoption of UML by the software development industry and academia, researchers have begun to investigate how it can be
The ongoing revolution in software testing
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Software testing by active learning for commercial games
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AbstractAs software systems have become larger, exhaustive testing has become increasingly onerous. This has rendered statistical software testing and machine learning techniques increasingly attractive. Drawing from both of these, we present an active learning
A new software data-flow testing approach via ant colony algorithms
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AbstractSearch-based optimization techniques (eg, hill climbing, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms) have been applied to a wide variety of software engineering activities including cost estimation, next release problem, and test generation. Several
Software testing in cloud platform: A survey
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AbstractSoftware Testing is a challenging activity for many software engineering projects and it is one of the five main technical activity areas of the software engineering lifecycle that still poses substantial challenges. Testing software requires enough resources
The An of Software Testing
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operability it operates cleanlyobservabilitythe results are easy to seedistinct output is generated for each inputincorrect output is easily identifiedcontrollabilityprocessing can be controlledtests can be automatedreproduceddecomposability software modules can
Mobile Software Testing - Automated Test Case Design Strategies
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Abstract -Mobile devices are poised to challenge PCs as the application platform of choice, with 500 million mobile internet devices expected to ship in 2012 compared to 150 million PCs. The convergence of all digital devices into mobile platform model augments the
Criteria for software testing tool evaluation. a task oriented view
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AbstractConsidering the immense variety of test tools available, both commercial and open source, an extensive evaluation of these tools with respect to their adequacy for a given organizational or project context seems to be impossible. On this account we present a
Cost reduction and quality improvement in software testing
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AbstractThe objective of this industry survey was to evaluate from the testing point of view the factors that reduce costs and improve software quality. In this survey 40 industry specialists from 30 organizational units were interviewed. The survey indicated that
On the Interplay Between Software Testing and Evolution and its Effect on Program Comprehension.
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Summary. We know software evolution to be inevitable if the system is to survive in the long- term. Equally well-understood is the necessity of having a good test suite available in order to (1) ensure the quality of the current state of the software system and (2) to ease future
Using genetic algorithm for automated efficient software test case generation for path testing
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This paper discusses genetic algorithms that can automatically generate test cases to test selected path. This algorithm takes a selected path as a target and executes
Software measurements and metrics: Role in effective software testing
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Abstract : Measurement has always been fundamental to the progress to any engineering discipline and software testing is no exception. Software metrics have been used in making quantitative/qualitative decisions as well as in risk assessment and reduction in software
Model-Checking plus Testing : from Software Architecture Analysis to Code Testing
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AbstractSoftware Model-Checking and Testing are some of the most used techniques to analyze software systems and identify hidden faults. While software model-checking allows for an exhaustive and automatic analysis of the system expressed through a model, software
Conventional software testing vs. cloud testing
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AbstractSoftware Testing is one of the important activities in software development process. Depending on the testing method employed, software testing can be implemented at any time in the development process. Traditionally most of the test effort occurs after the
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Abstract : This articles purpose is to present the benefits of a mature approach to testing and quality activities in an engineering organization, make a case for more education with respect to software quality and testing , and propose a set of goals for quality and testing
Data generation techniques for automated software robustness testing
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AbstractCommercial software components are being used in an increasingly large number of critical applications. Hospitals, military organizations, banks, and others are relying on the robust behavior of software they did not write. Due to the high cost of manual software
Measuring the Effectiveness of Software Testing .
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Abstract : In 1978 Harry Sneed set up the first commercial software test laboratory in Budapest charging DM 75, per test case and DM 100, for each error found. The laboratory was used to test the Integrated Transport Steuerung system of the German railroad and the
The art of software testing .
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In 1979, Glenford Myers published a book that turned out to be a classic. Myerss original The Art of Software Testing stood the test of time, 25 years on the publishers list of available books. This fact alone is a testament to the solid, basic, and valuable nature of his work. The aim of this paper is to introduce a systematic approach to integration testing of software systems. Various test data selection criteria for integration testing are presented, coverage measures are introduced, and interconnection between them are discussed. The main
Developing and testing structural light vision software by coevolutionary genetic algorithm
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AbstractIn this paper we propose an approach to automatically develop and test software by co-evolutionary optimization using genetic algorithms. The idea is to generate both rule based methods for combining scan image data and corresponding simulated test surfaces
Extension of Object-Oriented Software Testing Techniques to Agent Oriented Software Testing .
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AbstractIn recent years, agent-based systems have received considerable attention in both academics and industry. The agent-oriented paradigm can be considered a natural extension to the object-oriented (OO) paradigm. Agents differ from objects in many issues
A Machine Learning Approach for Statistical Software Testing .
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AbstractSome Statistical Software Testing approaches rely on sampling the feasible paths in the control flow graph of the program; the difficulty comes from the tiny ratio of feasible paths. This paper presents an adaptive sampling mechanism called EXIST for Exploration/
An Approach to Software Testing of Machine Learning Applications.
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AbstractSome machine learning applications are intended to learn properties of data sets where the correct answers are not already known to human users. It is challenging to test such ML software , because there is no reliable test oracle. We describe a software testing
Testing computer software
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Software testing Is partly intuitive but largely systematic. Good testing Involves much more than just running the program a few times to see whether it works. Thorough analysis of the program lets you test more systematically and more effectively. This chapter introduces this book by Illustrating
Automatic software testing by genetic algorithm optimization, a case study
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AbstractIn this work we have studied the feasibility of program testing automation by using optimization via genetic algorithm. The main objective of the study is to nd potentially problematic situations by maximizing the response times of a rather large real-time
Applying extended finite state machines in software testing of interactive systems
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AbstractModel Based Testing (MBT) is a functional testing technique that makes use of information from behavioral models of the software to carry out the testing task. This technique has been commonly used in testing of interactive systems, where the used model
A brief overview of software testing metrics
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AbstractMetrics are gaining importance and acceptance in corporate sectors as organizations grow, mature and strive to improve enterprise qualities. Measurement of a test process is a required competence for an effective software test manager for designing and
Differential testing for software
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Differential testing , a form of random testing , is a component of a mature testing technology for large software systems. It complements regression testing based on commercial test suites and tests locally developed during product development and deployment. Differential
Evaluating effectiveness of software testing techniques with emphasis on enhancing software reliability
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AbstractWe have a great number of software testing techniques at our disposal for testing a software product. Although the utilization of these techniques is growing, we do have a very inadequate knowledge about their relative quantitative and qualitative statistics.
A survey on software testing
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AbstractThe objective of this industry survey was to reveal current situation and improvement needs in software testing . In this survey 40 industry specialists from 30 organizational units were interviewed. The research method of a survey with structured
Improving the software testing process in NASAs software engineering laboratory
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Background The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is a partnership of NASA Goddards Flight Dynamics Division, its major software contractor, Computer Sciences Corporation, and the University of Marylands Department of Computer Science. The SEL is
PET: An Interactive Software Testing Tool.
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AbstractWe describe here the Pet (standing for path exploration tool) system, developed in Bell Labs. This new tool allows an interactive testing of sequential or concurrent programs, using techniques taken from deductive program verification. It automatically generates and
Contribution to Goodenoughs and Gerharts theory of software testing and verification: Relation between strong compiler test and compiler implementation verification
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Goal of good engineering and its branches like software eno-~eering and com- piler construction is safe mastery of realistic systems and software [Bau75]. JB Goodenoughs and SL Gerharts theory of test data selection can well con- tribute [GG75]. Their central question is: Can program AbstractThere are various number of software development approaches that can be believed as component-based software . Setting up the rules for the prediction of properties in components based system, It is necessary to count the variety of approaches that
A guideline to anti-malware- software testing
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AbstractToday, most of the popular anti-virus test strategies are obsolete. Index numbers likebest detection scoreare unsatisfying, because a program can only find viruses it searches for and the number may be a little bit accelerated by heuristic rules to find new and
Foundations of Software Testing 2E
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Consistency refers to adherence to a common set of conventions and assumptions. For example, all buttons in the user interface might follow a common color coding convention. An example of inconsistency would be when a database application displays the date of
An evaluation of test coverage tools in software testing
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Abstract : Test Coverage is an important indicator of software quality and an essential part of software maintenance. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of testing by providing data on different coverage items. Automated testing tools can be used to enhance the
Challenges in software reliability and testing
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AbstractIn an effort to address the continuing demand for high quality software , an enormous multitude of software reliability growth models have been proposed in recent years. In spite of the diversity and elegance of many of these, there is still a need for models
selenium research paper
Comparative analysis of open source automated software testing tools: Selenium , sikuli and watir
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AbstractTesting is one of the important aspects of Software Engineering and there is wide availability of open source software testing tools in this category of which Selenium , Sikuli and Watir are usually used open source automated testing tools. This paper presents the
Automated web software testing with selenium
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Abstract : A common question for software testers and developers is, when do we automate testing and when is manual testing sufficient In the following report I will describe the benefits of automated testing when applied to a web application. I have also come to a
Software Testing Tool: Selenium
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AbstractSoftware testing is an area of software development where persistence is essential. Software testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness, and quality of developed computer software . We describe that how automated testing tools are -SOFTWARE SALES SERVICE-