testing in cloud computing
Adapting Negative Requirement Model for Security Testing in Cloud Computing Environment
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ABSTRACT Providing security for a software system has always been a difficult task. The success of a software system always depends on how good the system is tested and the level of assurance for error prone system. All the positive requirements are considered for
Towards developing software testing as a service (staas) model in cloud computing: a case of collaborative knowledge management system
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ABSTRACT Software testing (ST) is the process of identifying and delivering the software as a product based on the specification that has been given and required by the users. In order to ensure the product is working properly based on the user specification, there are many
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ABSTRACT The cloud computing not only changes the street way of obtaining computer resources but also changes methodology of managing and delivering computing services, technologies and solutions. To ensure high quality of cloud applications under
Security and Compliance Testing Strategies for Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT Due to rapidly changing Information Technologies, it is becoming more expensive for companies/organizations to regularly update hardware and software, and also maintain a big IT department with highly technical staff. So many organizations are
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Innovative Method of Software Testing Environment Using Cloud Computing Technology
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ABSTRACT various information systems are widely used in information society era, and the demand for highly dependable system is increasing year after year. However, software testing for such a system becomes more difficult due to the enlargement and the
Cloud testing -issues, challenges, needs and practice
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Cloud computing leads an opportunity in offering testing as a service (TaaS) for SaaS and clouds Testing in the cloud leverages cloud computing environments and seeks to simulate real-world user traffic as a means of load or stress testing Web sites. (By Nivedan Prakash)
Software testing in cloud platform: A survey
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This is where cloud testing has emerged as a fresh approach to testing where cloud computing environments are leveraged to simulate real-world user traffic by significantly decreasing costs . This can also be extended to classical functional, regression and other testing of
Cloud computing applications and their testing methodology
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The cloud computing not only changes the street way of obtaining computer resources but also changes methodology of managing and delivering computing services, technologies and solutions. To ensure high quality of cloud applications under development, developer
Cloud testing : A state-of-the-art review
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Keywords: Cloud computing , TaaS, Testing as a Service, cloud testing , testing tools. Introduction One of such examples is the testing of dependable, parallel, and distributed sys- tems for which a cloud computing testing environment called D- Cloud 14 has been proposed
Cloud - Testing vs. Testing a Cloud
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Testing a Cloud refers to the verification and validation of applications, environments and infrastructure that are available on demand. This ensures that applications, environments and infrastructure conform to the expectations of the Cloud computing business model
Testing techniques and its challenges in a cloud computing environment
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Cloud computing is emerged as new technology in organization and cooperates. To successfully provide cloud services and sharing of resources, the cloud must be tested before came into service. Cloud testing is a form of testing in which web applications uses
Cloud testing tools and its challenges: A comparative study
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Abstract Cloud computing has emerged as a new technology across organization and cooperates that impacts several different research fields, including software testing Swapnil H. Chandane, New Computing Paradigm: Software Testing in Cloud , Issues, Challenges and
A comprehensive survey on cloud computing
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Cloud computing are managed by Cloud Management tools, loaded and tested by various other software testing tools Cloud Tools for example is a set of tools for deploying, managing and testing Java EE applications on Amazons Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2)Keywords Cloud computing 4 Cloud -based testing 4 Cloud -based testing resources 4 Testing While the above quotation was appropriate in the context of cloud computing , it did not reflect the adoption of cloud computing for testing
Cloud security: A comprehensive guide to secure cloud computing
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Secure Cloud Computing Cloud computing security Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Well-known security experts decipher the most challenging aspect of cloud computing -security Cloud computing allows for both large and small organizations to
A survey on cloud computing simulations and cloud testing
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Cloud computing is a hot topic all over the world nowadays, through which customers can access information and computer power via a web browser. Hence, it eliminates the need for maintaining expensive computing facilities. The characteristics of a typical cloud are: on
Testing as a service on cloud : a review
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Software testing is an important part of software engineering life cycle. Software testing is a process used for evaluating an attributes or capability of program and makes sure that it meets the requirements. The application building techniques have changed and has
Environment modeling for automated testing of cloud applications
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Recently, cloud computing platforms, such as Microsoft Azure, are available to provide convenient infrastructures such that cloud applications could conduct cloud and data- intensive computing . To ensure high quality of cloud applications under development
FATE and DESTINI: A framework for cloud recovery testing
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for cloud recovery: FATE (Failure Testing Service) and DESTINI (Declara- tive Testing Specifications We have integrated our framework to several cloud systems (eg, HDFS [33]), explored 1 Introduction Large-scale computing and data storage systems, includ- ing clusters
Modern encryption techniques for cloud computing
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IV. METHODOLOGY In cloud computing randomness testing , we sign up for Amazon web service to create account. Then, we lunch Amazon EC2 windows and Ubuntu Linux Micro Instances, connect to Amazon EC2 windows
A fuzzy mathematical model for peformance testing in cloud computing using user defined parameters
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Software product development life cycle has software testing as an integral part. Conventional testing requires dedicated infrastructure and resources that are expensive and only used sporadically. In the growing complexity of business applications it is harder to
Usability Testing and Evaluation of a Cloud Computing -based Mobile Learning App
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Durch die zunehmende Anzahl an Daten bei begrenzter physischer Kapazität (zB des Computers) ist eine effiziente Datenspeicherung in Form von virtuellen Daten-Centern zur Notwendigkeit geworden und hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Popularität und
Challenges in testing of cloud based application
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Cloud computing provides an opportunity to offer testing as a service (TaaS) for clouds and SaaS G. Gowri, M. Amutha(2014), Cloud Computing Applications and their Testing Methodology, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication
Cloud testing A systematic review
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Key Words: cloud computing , software testing , Cloud Based Software Testing , Software Testing Tools, and cloud testing Cloud computing prospects an opportunity in supplying testing as a service (TaaS) for SaaS and cloud -based
Cloud -based testing : Opportunities and challenges
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Keywords cloud computing , software testing , cloud tesing, test as a service I. INTRODUCTION Recently, cloud computing has been one of the hottest topics in IT industry since it is changing the way of offering Internet service and computation resources
Gartner: Seven cloud - computing security risks
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Amazons EC2 service and Googles Google App Engine are examples of cloud computing , which Gartner as a type of computing in which massively scalable IT-enabled capabilities are processes and technical mechanisms; and the level of testing thats been done to verify
Cloud Testing : A Review Article
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Today Cloud computing is emerging as a new technology in corporate world and organization. Cloud testing is a form of software testing in which web applications use cloud computing environments (ie a cloud ) to handle with real-world user traffic by using variousIn addition, the ETSI approach towards interoperability testing , standards evaluation, and the preparation of ETSI interoperability events, the so term, ETSI plans to establish standards that will support the conver- gence between NGN, grid, and cloud computing environments
Performance testing : methodologies and tools
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HP Loadrunner. Keywords: Performance testing , Application performance, Cloud computing 1. Introduction Building a successful product hinges on two fundamental ingredients functionality and performance. Functionality
Testing as a Service (TaaS) on Cloud : Needs and Challenges
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During our search for the related literature, we found the following keywords and phrases to be useful: cloud application validation cloud application verification cloud computing testing Software testing cloud testing cloud applications Verification cloud Cloud computing
A new framework for cloud based application testing
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Software development process has changed under the impact of cloud computing , software testing is also part of this process Each of these steps are included some activities. Keywords: Cloud computing , cloud testing , cloud based application, SaaS, testing framework
Software testing in the cloud : migration and execution/Scott Tilley, Tauhida Parveen.
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This work has the potential to significantly impact the three major areas of software testing , cloud computing , and system migration For advanced practitioners, the issue of cloud computing and its impact on the field of software testing is becoming increasingly relevant
Implementation of scientific cloud testing infrastructure in Moldova
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P Bogatencov, N Degteariov, N Iliuha- The Third Conference of ibn.idsi.md Moldova IMCS-50, August 19-2 201 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Implementation of Scientific Cloud Testing Infrastructure in Moldova Peter Bogatencov, Nicolai Iliuha, Nichita Degteariov, Pavel Vaseanovici Abstract Development of scientific computing infrastructure signifi
Cloud testing for mobile software systems
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Jenkins, W., Vilkomir, S., Sharma, P., Pirocanac, G.. Framework for Testing Cloud Platforms and Infrastructures. In Proceedings of the CSC 201 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing , Hong Kong, China, Dec. 12-1 201 134-140
Software testing with emphasis on finding security defects
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The focus was restricted to works addressing software testing and information security in the application domains of cloud computing , mobile computing and semantic web. The publications
A Survey of Testing Methodologies for Cloud -based applications
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provided by Cloud . Keywords Cloud Computing , Cloud Testing , Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Testing as a Service (TaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Cloud Services I. INTRODUCTION
Data security model for cloud computing
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This paper interested about authentication, stronger and faster encryption algorithm, and file integrity. Key words: Cloud computing , data security model in cloud computing , randomness testing , cryptography for cloud computing , OTP (one time password)
Security and compliance testing strategies for cloud computing
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Due to rapidly changing Information Technologies, it is becoming more expensive for companies/organizations to regularly update hardware and software, and also maintain a big IT department with highly technical staff. So many organizations are adopting cloud
A novel framework for cloud testing
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B. The Reasons for Using Cloud Computing for Testing 1) Cost Reducing Every enterprise is in the pursuit of the lowest cost and maximized benefits The software development process is changing with cloud computing , and software testing is a part of this process
Software Trustworthy Testing Based on Cloud Testing
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It analyzed the questions raised by managers, tester and engineers, and it offers clear concepts, discusses the specific objectives, advantages, features and requirements, in cloud computing testing Section 4 examines the features offered in the cloud computing testing
Cloud testing : Steps, tools, challenges
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Furthermore. In , the authors gave a background on cloud computing and software testing in the cloud cs. SE, no. pp. 2572 257 2014. G. Gowri and M. Amutha, Cloud computing applications and their testing methodology, Int. J. Innov. Res. Comput. Commun101 Suchitra Ravi Balasubramanyam 6 Business Requirements Engineering for Developing Cloud Computing Services 123 Muthu Ramachandran 7 Testing Perspectives for Cloud -Based Applications
Cloud Computing Testing Evaluation
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Testing becomes an important process in software development not only in terms of exposure but also in terms of performance, usability, safety, security, reusability. Also software testing is an essential activity to software quality assurance. Cloud testing is a
Roadmap to Testing the Cloud Techniques, Methodology, and Tools
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Keywords Cloud computing ; testing ; testing the cloud , cloud testing ; cloud testing tools; functional testing ; non-functional testing I Besides, the use of cloud computing for testing means less costs and fewer expenditure. Now
Empirical study on the adoption, use and effects of cloud -based testing
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This study addressed the applicability of cloud computing for testing within organizational and strategic contexts The results showed that cloud computing is relevant and applicable for testing and application development, as well as other areas, eg, game development -SOFTWARE SALES SERVICE-https://www.engpaper.net--